0.1.0 - ci-build
MHNSushi - Local Development build (v0.1.0) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions
This page provides a list of the FHIR artifacts defined as part of this implementation guide.
These define constraints on FHIR resources for systems conforming to this implementation guide.
AdverseEvent (MY Core) |
Actual or potential/avoided event causing unintended physical injury resulting from or contributed to by medical care, a research study or other healthcare setting factors that requires additional monitoring, treatment, or hospitalization, or that results in death. |
AllergyIntolerance (MY Core) |
Risk of harmful or undesirable, physiological response which is unique to an individual and associated with exposure to a substance. |
AllergyIntoleranceNegation (MY Core) |
To differentiate between whether allergy assessment has been completed but no allergy found, or that allergy assessment was not done and status is unknown. |
Appointment (MY Core) |
A booking of a healthcare event among patient(s), practitioner(s), related person(s) and/or device(s) for a specific date/time. This may result in one or more Encounter(s). |
CarePlan (MY Core) |
Describes the intention of how one or more practitioners intend to deliver care for a particular patient, group or community for a period of time, possibly limited to care for a specific condition or set of conditions. |
ChargeItem (MY Core) |
Describes the provision of healthcare provider products for a certain patient, therefore referring not only to the product, but containing in addition details of the provision, like date, time, amounts and participating organizations and persons. Main Usage of the ChargeItem is to enable the billing process and internal cost allocation. |
ChargeItemDefinition (MY Core) |
Provides the properties that apply to the (billing) codes necessary to calculate costs and prices. The properties may differ largely depending on type and realm, therefore this resource gives only a rough structure and requires profiling for each type of billing code system. |
Condition (MY Core) |
A clinical condition, problem, diagnosis, or other event, situation, issue, or clinical concept that has risen to a level of concern. |
Consent (MY Core) |
A record of a healthcare consumer’s choices, which permits or denies identified recipient(s) or recipient role(s) to perform one or more actions within a given policy context, for specific purposes and periods of time. |
CoverageEligibilityRequest (MY Core) |
Provides patient and insurance coverage information to an insurer for them to respond, in the form of an CoverageEligibilityResponse, with information regarding whether the stated coverage is valid and in-force and optionally to provide the insurance details of the policy. |
DiagnosticReport (MY Core) |
The findings and interpretation of diagnostic tests performed on patients, groups of patients, devices, and locations, and/or specimens derived from these. The report includes clinical context such as requesting and provider information, and some mix of atomic results, images, textual and coded interpretations, and formatted representation of diagnostic reports. |
DocumentManifest (MY Core) |
A collection of documents compiled for a purpose together with metadata that applies to the collection. |
Encounter (MY Core) |
An interaction between a patient and healthcare provider(s) for the purpose of providing healthcare service(s) or assessing the health status of a patient. |
FamilyMemberHistory (MY Core) |
Significant health conditions for a person related to the patient relevant in the context of care for the patient. |
FlagMyCore |
Prospective warnings of potential issues when providing care to the patient. |
HealthcareService (MY Core) |
Used to describe a single healthcare service or a category of services provided by an organization at a location. The location of the services could be virtual, as with telemedicine services. |
ImagingStudy (MY Core) |
Representation of the content produced in a DICOM imaging study. A study comprises a set of series, each of which includes a set of Service-Object Pair Instances (SOP Instances - images or other data) acquired or produced in a common context. A series is of only one modality (e.g. X-ray, CT, MR, ultrasound), but a study may have multiple series of different modalities. |
Immunization (MY Core) |
Describes the event of a patient being administered a vaccination or a record of a vaccination as reported by a patient, a clinician or another party. |
ImmunizationRecommendationMyCore |
A patient's point-in-time set of recommendations (i.e. forecasting) according to a published schedule with optional supporting justification. |
Invoice (MY Core) |
Invoice containing collected ChargeItems from an Account with calculated individual and total price for Billing purposes. |
List (MY Core) |
A list is a curated collection of resources that is flat, possibly ordered. List resources can be used in many places, including allergies, medications, alerts, family history, medical history, etc. |
Location (MY Core) |
Details and position information for a physical place where services are provided and resources and participants may be stored, found, contained, or accommodated. |
Medication (MY Core) |
This resource is primarily used for the identification and definition of a medication for the purposes of prescribing, dispensing, and administering a medication as well as for making statements about medication use. |
MedicationDispenset (MY Core) |
Indicates that a medication product is to be or has been dispensed for a named person/patient. This includes a description of the medication product (supply) provided and the instructions for administering the medication. The medication dispense is the result of a pharmacy system responding to a medication order. |
MedicationKnowledgeMyCore |
Supports creation of and querying for drug information including attributes such as drug classifications, images of medications, drug costs and/or coverages, etc. This resource can be used to return drug information as part of a formulary or a catalogue. |
MedicationRequest (MY Core) |
An order or request for both supply of the medication and the instructions for administration of the medication to a patient. The resource is called "MedicationRequest" rather than "MedicationPrescription" or "MedicationOrder" to generalize the use across inpatient and outpatient settings, including care plans, etc., and to harmonize with workflow patterns. |
MedicationStatement (MY Core) |
A record of a medication that is being consumed by a patient. May indicate that the patient is taking the medication now or has taken the medication in the past or will be taking the medication in the future. The source of this information can be the patient, significant other (such as a family member or spouse), or a clinician. |
ObservationAnthropometryPanel (MY Core) |
This profile is derived from profile. |
ObservationBmi (MY Core) |
This profile is derived from the base FHIR Observation resource. |
ObservationBodyTemp (MY Core) |
This profile is derived from the base FHIR Observation resource. |
ObservationChestCircumference (MY Core) |
This profile is derived from the base FHIR Observation resource. |
ObservationDentalAlertMyCore |
This profile is derived from the base FHIR Observation resource. |
ObservationDentalChart (MY Core) |
This profile is derived from the base FHIR Observation resource. |
ObservationDevelopmentalMilestone (MY Core) |
This profile is derived from the base FHIR Observation resource. |
ObservationDiastolicBp (My Core) |
This profile is derived from the base FHIR Observation resource. |
ObservationFastingGlucose (MY Core) |
This profile is derived from the base FHIR Observation resource. |
ObservationFoetalKick (MY Core) |
This profile is derived from the base FHIR Observation resource. |
ObservationHeadCircumference (MY Core) |
This profile is derived from the base FHIR Observation resource. |
ObservationHeartRate (MY Core) |
This profile is derived from the base FHIR Observation resource. |
ObservationHeight (MY Core) |
This profile is derived from the base FHIR Observation resource. |
ObservationLabResult (MY Core) |
This profile is derived from the base FHIR Observation resource. |
ObservationObstetricHb (MY Core) |
This profile is derived from the base FHIR Observation resource. |
ObservationObstetricUs (MY Core) |
This profile is derived from the base FHIR Observation resource. |
ObservationOxygenSat (MY Core) |
This profile is derived from the base FHIR Observation resource. |
ObservationPainScore (MY Core) |
This profile is derived from the base FHIR Observation resource. |
ObservationPanel (MY Core) |
This profile is derived from the base FHIR Observation resource. |
ObservationRandomGlucose (MY Core) |
This profile is derived from the base FHIR Observation resource. |
ObservationRespiRate (MY Core) |
This profile is derived from the base FHIR Observation resource. |
ObservationSmokingHistory (MY Core) |
This profile is derived from profile. |
ObservationSocialHistory (MY Core) |
This profile is derived from the base FHIR Observation resource. |
ObservationSystolicBp (MY Core) |
This profile is derived from the base FHIR Observation resource. |
ObservationVitalSignPanel (MY Core) |
This profile is derived from profile. |
ObservationWaist (MY Core) |
This profile is derived from the base FHIR Observation resource. |
ObservationWeight (MY Core) |
This profile is derived from the base FHIR Observation resource. |
Organization (MY Core) |
A formally or informally recognized grouping of people or organizations formed for the purpose of achieving some form of collective action. Includes companies, institutions, corporations, departments, community groups, healthcare practice groups, payer/insurer, etc. |
Patient (MY Core) |
Demographics and other administrative information about an individual or animal receiving care or other health-related services. |
PaymentReconciliation (MY Core) |
This resource provides the details including amount of a payment and allocates the payment items being paid. |
Practitioner (MY Core) |
A person who is directly or indirectly involved in the provisioning of healthcare. |
PractitionerRole (MY Core) |
A specific set of Roles/Locations/specialties/services that a practitioner may perform at an organization for a period of time. |
Procedure (MY Core) |
An action that is or was performed on or for a patient. This can be a physical intervention like an operation, or less invasive like long term services, counseling, or hypnotherapy. |
QuestionnaireResponseMyCore |
A structured set of questions and their answers. The questions are ordered and grouped into coherent subsets, corresponding to the structure of the grouping of the questionnaire being responded to. |
RelatedPerson (MY Core) |
Information about a person that is involved in the care for a patient, but who is not the target of healthcare, nor has a formal responsibility in the care process. |
Schedule (MY Core) |
A container for slots of time that may be available for booking appointments. |
ServiceRequest (MY Core) |
A record of a request for service such as diagnostic investigations, treatments, or operations to be performed. |
Slot (MY Core) |
A slot of time on a schedule that may be available for booking appointments. |
Specimen (MY Core) |
A sample to be used for analysis. |
SpecimenDefinition (MY Core) |
A kind of specimen with associated set of requirements. |
Task (MY Core) |
Describes an activity that can be performed and tracks the state of completion of that activity. It is a representation that an activity should be or has been initiated, and eventually, represents the successful or unsuccessful completion of that activity. |
TaskImaging (MY Core) |
This profile is derived from the base FHIR Task resource. |
TaskLab (MY Core) |
This profile is derived from the base FHIR Task resource. |
TaskLab (MY Core) |
This profile is derived from the base FHIR Task resource. |
TaskProcedure (MY Core) |
This profile is derived from the base FHIR Task resource. |
These define constraints on FHIR data types for systems conforming to this implementation guide.
Address (MY Core) |
These define constraints on FHIR data types for systems conforming to this implementation guide.
DrugCautionary (My Core) |
Extension about drug cautionary element |
DrugForm (MY Core) |
Extension about drug form |
ExtensionAdditionalInfoMyCore |
Extension to reference additional relevant Resources pertaining to the HealthcareService |
ExtensionAddressDistrict (MY Core) |
Extension to store district address in the form of a Codeable Concept |
ExtensionAddressDivision (MY Core) |
ExtensionAddressState (MY Core) |
Extension to store address state in a Codeable Concept |
ExtensionAddressSubDivision (MY Core) |
ExtensionAmended (MY Core) |
Extension to add amended information of this clinical documentation |
ExtensionAttachmentBoolean (MY Core) |
Extension to determine whether this DiagnosticReport provides any external attachment |
ExtensionAttester (MY Core) |
Extension to add information related to who attested this ServiceRequest |
ExtensionAudit (MY Core) |
Extension of the individual who recorded and updated the date |
ExtensionBooster (MY Core) |
Extension to determine if the vaccine is a booster dose |
ExtensionChargeItemCIDReference (MY Core) |
Extension for a ChargeItem to reference a ChargeItemDefinition |
ExtensionChildIdentification (MY Core) |
Extension to store newborn details |
ExtensionCitizenship (MY Core) |
Extension to define the citizenship status of an individual |
ExtensionClusterFacility (MY Core) | |||
ExtensionClusterName (MY Core) |
Extension to which cluster this organization belongs to |
ExtensionCompositionSectionDate (MY Core) |
Extension to define the date this section was created on |
ExtensionDisability (MY Core) |
details about the disability |
ExtensionEducationLevel (MY Core) |
extension about an individual education level category |
ExtensionEncounterRating (MY Core) |
Extension about the rating of an encounter |
ExtensionEthnic (MY Core) |
Extension about the ethnic of an individual |
ExtensionFacilityCategory (MY Core) |
Extension to categorize the type of organization/facility category |
ExtensionForeignerTypeMyCore |
Extension about an individidual foreigner category |
ExtensionFormRequired (MY Core) |
Extension to determine if this ServiceRequest requires a form attached to the request |
ExtensionFormTemplate (MY Core) | |||
ExtensionFormType (MY Core) |
An extension to define the type of form this ServiceRequest uses when requesting this service |
ExtensionFormularyBoolean |
An extension whether this Resource is based on a coded concept or is a non coded Resource |
ExtensionInternalReferral (MY Core) |
Extension whether this Encounter is from an internal or external referral |
ExtensionListOperationStatus (MY Core) |
Extension about the operational status of this List Resource |
ExtensionListPeriod (MY Core) |
Extension of about the active period of this List Resource |
ExtensionLocationEncounter (MY Core) |
Extension to reference a currently active Encounter at the Location |
ExtensionLocationRecorded (MY Core) |
An extension to define where the Composition was recorded (Location Resource) |
ExtensionMediaReference (MY Core) |
Organization Logo |
ExtensionMedicationKnowledge (My Core) |
Extension to reference the MedicationKnowledge (Master Drug/Medication List) Resource |
ExtensionMedicationKnowledgeSetting (MY Core) |
Extension to define the settings of a particular Master Drug/Medication |
ExtensionMedicationRecommended (MY Core) |
Extension to define the default property of a facility medication list template |
ExtensionMiscRequest (MY Core) |
Extension to define this medication is orderd out of the default properties specified by the master Drug/Medication list |
ExtensionMnemonicMyCore |
Extension to define the mnemonic of a facility/organization |
ExtensionMonthlyHouseHoldIncome (MY Core) |
Extension to define the individual monthly household income category |
ExtensionNationality (MY Core) |
Extension to define the nationality of a particular individual |
ExtensionNcdVcDx (MY Core) |
Extension to define the outcome diagnosis of a Virtual Consultation (To fulfil their analytics requirement) |
ExtensionOaHsDetails (MY Core) |
Extension to further detail an outsource agreement criteria |
ExtensionOaMaxDaily (MY Core) |
Extension to define the maxium allowed outsource request in a day for an agreed outsource arrangement |
ExtensionOaRegionQuota (MY Core) |
An extension to define the maximum quota of a agree outsource arrangement for a particular body/category region |
ExtensionObservationContainer (MY Core) |
Extension to reference a SpecimenDefinition Resource |
ExtensionOccupationSector (MY Core) |
Extension to categorize an individuals occupational sector |
ExtensionOrganizationPkd (MY Core) |
Extension to store which Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah (PKD) this facility/organization in under |
ExtensionOrganizationPosition (MY Core) | |||
ExtensionPRDrugClassification (MY Core) |
Extension to define what Classification of medication is allowed for a particular PractitionerRole |
ExtensionPRPrint (MY Core) |
Extension to define whether this PaymentReconciliation has been printed at least once or not |
ExtensionPRType (MY Core) |
Extension about the type of PaymentReconciliation |
ExtensionPatientContactIdentifier (My Core) |
Extension to store contact identifier |
ExtensionPersonTitle (MY Core) |
Extension to define the title of an individual |
ExtensionPoliceCase (MY Core) |
Extension whether this Encounter is directly created as part of a police case investigation |
ExtensionPosition (MY Core) |
Extension to store the Global Positional System (GPS) properties |
ExtensionPrintedDate (MY Core) |
Extension about the DiagnosticReport date printed |
ExtensionProcedurePrimaryDiscipline (MY Core) |
Extension about the discipline performing the procedure |
ExtensionProcedureSessionType (MY Core) |
Extension about the type of procedure session |
ExtensionPublicBooking (MY Core) |
Extension to determine if this HealthcareService is allowed to be booked publicly (through patients/customer) |
ExtensionQuestionnaireReference (MY Core) |
Extension to create reference to Questionnaire's QuestionnaireResponse |
ExtensionRecorded (MY Core) |
Extension about the date procedure was recorded |
ExtensionReligion (MY Core) |
Extension about individuals religious affiliation |
ExtensionRequireApproval (MY Core) |
Whether an appointment booked under this schedule requires approval from the provider side prior booking |
ExtensionSchedulePosition (MY Core) |
Extension about the Global Positioning System (GPS) position in a Schedule |
ExtensionScheduleTypeMyCore |
Extension about the type of schedule |
ExtensionServiceProvider (My Core) |
Extension to reference the custodian of this Resource |
ExtensionSlotQuota (MY Core) |
Extension about the maximum quota allocated for a slot |
ExtensionSpecimenCombineSample (MY Core) |
Extension to determine whether the lab test allows combining the same sample with another lab test |
ExtensionSystemRating (MY Core) |
Extension for patient/customer to rate an Encounter |
ExtensionSystemTenatMyCore |
Extension to define the system tenant |
ExtensionTransitCentre (MY Core) |
Extension to reference an affiliation transit centre |
ExtensionVisitType (My Core) |
Extension to determine the visit type |
ExtensionVrStatusMyCore |
Extension about the current status of the virtual consultation session |
MedicationPackDescription (MY Core) |
Extension to define the pack description template of this medication |
Mic (MY Core) |
Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) |
PersonCategoryArmy (MY Core) | |||
PriceComponent (MY Core) |
Extension about the details of a line item in ChargeItem |
Scheduling (MY Core) |
Whether Schedule is allowed to be created for this Practitioner Role |
SimpleRegister (MY Core) |
Extension used in appointment for simple registration without having to creating a patient resource. |
UseContect (MY Core) |
Extension to determine the use context |
initialValue |
The name of an expression in a referenced library that determines an initial value. |
These define sets of codes used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.
These define new code systems used by systems conforming to this implementation guide.
These are example instances that show what data produced and consumed by systems conforming with this implementation guide might look like.
example-patient |