HL7 FHIR Malaysia Core (MY Core) Implementation Guide
1.1.0 - ci-build
HL7 FHIR Malaysia Core (MY Core) Implementation Guide - Local Development build (v1.1.0) built by the FHIR (HL7® FHIR® Standard) Build Tools. See the Directory of published versions
A container for slots of time that may be available for booking appointments.
A Scheduling record comprises of a Schedule (MY Core) and a Slot (MY Core).
, Schedule.serviceType
and Schedule.specialty
must go according to the referenced HealthcareService.Slot.serviceCategory
, Slot.serviceType
must go according to the referenced HealthcareService.
An Appointment booking is stored as Appointment (MY Core).
cannot be defined as "booked".
[base] = address url e.g. "https://fhir.hie.moh.gov.my/baseR4/"
[type] = resource type e.g. "Patient | Appointment | Schedule"
@recordId = unique record ID defined from source system e.g. "appointment-sample"
Sample Description | Sample Body | API Method | API |
Create/Update scheduling | POST | [base] | |
Create/Update booking | POST | [base] | |
Retrieve record with ID | - | GET | [base]/[type]/@recordId |
Retrieve Schedule record with Slot included | - | GET | [base]/Schedule?_revinclude=Slot:schedule&_id=@scheduleId |
Retrieve Slot record with Schedule included | - | GET | [base]/Schedule?_include=Slot:schedule&_id=@slotId |
Create and update Appointment record | Appointment | PUT | [base]/Appointment/@appointmentId |
The Slot resource has an extension ExtensionSlotQuota
(MY Core) where the elements "quota" and "available" are defined,
Slot.extension.where (url = "http://fhir.hie.moh.gov.my/StructureDefinition/slot-quota-my-core")
A slot "available" count is deducted when an appointment references it, therefore:
Diagram below shows the visual flow of the relation between each resources.
(MY Core) currently defines 3 types of Scheduling, namely "Internal",
"Affiliate" and "Public", stored in Schedule.scheduleType
Scheduling integration with a different source system can be achieved when a scheduling record complies to the Schedule (MY Core) and Slot (MY Core) standards. By creating schedules and slots in HIE, users using RekodPesakit or RekodSaya will be able to book appointments referencing the created schedules and slots. If there are other sources to create an appointment such as from the source system itself, it is important that the Schedule and Slot version in HIE must always be updated to prevent multiple versions of the same schedule.
The diagram below shows an overview of the Scheduling and Appointment booking flow integration points.
by default on the following day based on the start
date of the appointment).Refer to the Subscription Guide section under "Appointment topic" for subscriptions using Kafka Apache details.
An Appointment
(MY Core) can be created even if no scheduling is present (when slot
is not
reference in Appointment). Once the Appointment has been updated (fulfilled, noshow, etc) at source, the source system is also expected to update the initial Appointment created in HIE (Otherwise the HIE portal will update status:"noshow"
by default on the following day based on the start
date of the appointment).
IG © 2022+ MHNexus Sdn Bhd. Package MyCore#1.1.0 based on FHIR 4.0.1. Generated 2025-02-26
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