MHNexus Sdn Bhd
0.1.0 - ci-build



In Malaysia, a significant portion of the adult population struggles with chronic health conditions. According to the National Health and Morbidity Survey (NHMS), nearly one in five adults (or 3.9 million people aged 18 and above) have diabetes. Additionally, high blood pressure affects three in ten adults (6.4 million), and high cholesterol is prevalent in four out of ten (eight million).


The Malaysian Ministry of Health (MOH) established the National Health Screening Initiative (NHSI) to address this growing concern. NHSI aims to detect, prevent, and manage non-communicable diseases (NCDs) through early intervention. This initiative reflects the Ministry's recognition of health screening as a vital public health strategy, similar to the behavioral science approaches that proved successful in mitigating the Covid-19 pandemic.

HIE Scope & Role

The Health Information Exchange (HIE) (using the MY Core Specification as the exchange standard) serves as a central platform for consolidating health screening data collected from various sources.

This centralized system allows authorized healthcare providers to easily retrieve patient screening records for further evaluation and treatment.

Below (Diagram 1) is a simplified overview flow for this use case:

HS overview
Diagram 1


Below are the involved actor for this use cases:

  • Sharer - These are source system that conduct health screenings and contribute the data to the HIE.

  • Receiver - These are source system authorized to access patient screening information stored in the HIE.

Take note that a Source System can function as both Sharer & Receiver depending on its role in a specific patient's care journey.


Below are the related API for this use case:

No API Function Method API
1 Send Bundle POST [base]
2 Retrieve Bundle by Patient identifier GET [base]/Composition?_include=Composition:*&type=64285-0&subject.identifier=@patientIdentifier
1 Retrive Bundle by Custodian GET [base]/Composition?_include=Composition:*&type=64285-0&custodian=@organizationId
1 Retrieve Bundle by Authored Date Range GET [base]/Composition?_include=Composition:*&type=64285-0&custodian=@organizationId&date=ge(YYYY-MM-DD)&date=le(YYYY-MM-DD)

Resource Breakdown

Following the International Patient Summary implementation guide format of exchanging information, Composition will used as the FHIR resource of choice to summarized a patient health screening record.

Resource By Integration Point

Below is the list integration point identified for this use case:

Integration Point Profile/Questionnaire Related Mandatory Sample Data
Record Summary CompositionHealthScreening (MY Core) Required HS Composition
Patient Patient (MY Core) Required Patient Conditional Create
Encounter Encounter (MY Core) Required Encounter Conditional Create
Diagnosis Condition (MY Core) Optional Condition
Vital signs Panel Vital Sign (MY Core) Optional Vital Sign Panel Transaction Bundle
Anthropometry Panel Anthropometry (MY Core) Optional Anthropometry Panel Transactional Bundle
Smoking History Smoking History (MY Core) Optional Smoking History
Alcohol Use History Questionnaire-Audit-10 Optional Alcohol Use History
Lab Diagnostic Report DiagnosticReport (MY Core) Optional Diagnostic Report Transaction Bundle

Refer to each integration point Profile/Questionnaire Related for further details.

Bundle Details

Below (Diagram 2) is simplified bundle diagram example of how the document will utilize each FHIR Resource:

HS bundle
Diagram 2

Health Screening Bundle

Compared to IPS specification, the Bundle will be sent from the sharer source system as a "Transaction" to be stored directly in the FHIR server. Example as link below:

Conditional Create Patient & Encounter

For the Patient & Encounter Resource, it is required to send as a Conditional Create when provided in the bundle to prevent duplicate creation of the same Patient/Encounter Resource. For further reading refer HL7 FHIR Conditional Create. Below is an exampe of the Bundle.entry.request.ifNoneExist for snippet:

Patient Conditional Create Snippet
Encounter Conditional Create Snippet

It is required for the sharer source system to comply and supply ifNoneExist search parameter as specified in the snippet for Patient and Encounter Resource.