MHNexus Sdn Bhd
0.1.0 - ci-build
The "Maternal Health Record" relates to the perinatal period (during and after pregnancy) of a patient's history. In Malaysia government practice, maternal health records are kept as a physical document by patient (another copy stored by the facility). This flow allows continuation of care between one facility to another to naturally occur during a patient perinatal visits.
The maternal health record in RekodPesakit and RekodSaya attempts to replicate the concept in the form of a digital record retaining as much resemblance of the physical flow while still allowing the concept of record sharing between facilities.
Below is an overview diagram to illustrate how FHIR resource are used for maternal health record,
Every maternal health record requires List (MY Core) record as a base panel to referene every record related to the current perinatal episode.
{ "resourceType": "List", "id": "list-sample", "meta": { "source": "", "profile": [ "" ] }, "status": "current", "mode": "working", "title": "Maternal Health Record 12-Sep-2023", "code": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "sub-001", "display": "Maternal Health Record" } ] }, "subject": { "reference": "Patient/dba06121-c9c3-4169-bb92-b67a6f337ded/_history/4" }, "date": "2023-09-12T01:34:38.641Z", "source": { "reference": "PractitionerRole/121d966a-ca39-44dd-8e49-345f5ef1e484/_history/1" }, "entry": [ { "item": { "reference": "Patient/dba06121-c9c3-4169-bb92-b67a6f337ded/_history/4", "display": "Patient" } } ] }
The List must conform to List (MY Core) with;
title:"Maternal Health Record 01-Sep-2023"
with history version stored
Referring to
The main record are mostly stored as QuestionnaireResponse (MY Core) conforming to each defined
It is advisable to send as a bundle with both QuestionnaireResponse and List referencing the QuestionnaireResponse as example below:
{ "resourceType": "Bundle", "type": "transaction", "entry": [ { "request": { "method": "PUT", "url": "List/list-sample" }, "resource": { "resourceType": "List", "id": "list-sample", "meta": { "source": "", "profile": [ "" ] }, "status": "current", "mode": "working", "title": "Maternal Health Record 12-Sep-2023", "code": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "sub-001", "display": "Maternal Health Record" } ] }, "subject": { "reference": "Patient/dba06121-c9c3-4169-bb92-b67a6f337ded/_history/4" }, "date": "2023-09-12T01:34:38.641Z", "source": { "reference": "PractitionerRole/121d966a-ca39-44dd-8e49-345f5ef1e484/_history/1" }, "entry": [ { "item": { "reference": "Patient/dba06121-c9c3-4169-bb92-b67a6f337ded/_history/4", "display": "Patient" } }, { "date": "2023-09-12T09:34:41+08:00", "item": { "reference": "QuestionnaireResponse/qr-maternal-01-sample", "display": "maternal-01" } } ] } }, { "request": { "method": "PUT", "url": "QuestionnaireResponse/qr-maternal-01-sample" }, "resource": { "resourceType": "QuestionnaireResponse", "id": "qr-maternal-01-sample", "meta": { "source": "", "profile": [ "" ] }, "identifier": { "system": "", "value": "qr-maternal-01" }, "questionnaire": "", "status": "completed", "subject": { "reference": "Patient/dba06121-c9c3-4169-bb92-b67a6f337ded/_history/4" }, "authored": "2023-09-12T09:34:41+08:00", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-1.1", "text": "THA (LNMP)", "answer": [ { "valueDate": "2023-08-01", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-1.1.1", "text": "Unsure Date", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] } ] } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-1.2", "text": "TAL (EDD)", "answer": [ { "valueDate": "2024-05-07" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-1.3", "text": "RE EDD", "answer": [ { "valueDate": "2024-05-14" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-1.4", "text": "Gravida", "answer": [ { "valueInteger": 3 } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-1.5", "text": "Para", "answer": [ { "valueInteger": 2, "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-1.5.1", "text": "+", "answer": [ { "valueInteger": 1 } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-1.5.2", "text": "Para remark", "answer": [ { "valueString": "miscarriage" } ] } ] } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-1.6", "text": "Jururawat Y/M", "answer": [ { "valueReference": { "reference": "PractitionerRole/121d966a-ca39-44dd-8e49-345f5ef1e484", "display": "SAIFULDAULAH BIN MOHD HAFIZ NGOO ( Medical Officer )" } }, { "valueReference": { "reference": "PractitionerRole/19c428c2-21aa-4494-b416-22bd51de90d7", "display": "ZULAIKA ( Medical Officer )" } } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-1.8", "text": "Height", "answer": [ { "valueQuantity": { "value": 168 } } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-1.9", "text": "Booking Weight", "answer": [ { "valueQuantity": { "value": 55 } } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-1.10", "text": "BMI", "answer": [ { "valueQuantity": { "value": 19.49 } } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-1.11", "text": "BMI category", "answer": [ { "valueCoding": { "code": "310252000", "display": "Kurang Berat Badan (BMI < 20)" } } ] } ] } } ] }
The List must conform to List (MY Core) as mentioned above.
The QuestionnaireResponse must conform to QuestionnaireResponse (MY Core) with;
questionnaire: ""
title:"Maternal Health Record 01-Sep-2023"
These are the pages that stores as a QuestionnaireResponse only;
Click MY Core postman API link to view common API used in HIE.
No | Title | JSON |
1. | Rekod Kesihatan Ibu |
{ "resourceType": "Questionnaire", "id": "q-maternal-01", "meta": { "source": "", "profile": [ "" ] }, "url": "", "version": "maternal-1.0.0", "name": "QMaternal01", "title": "Rekod Kesihatan Ibu", "status": "active", "date": "2024-02-12T04:04:09.5621857+00:00", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-1.1", "text": "THA (LNMP)", "type": "date", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-1.1.1", "text": "Unsure Date", "type": "boolean" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-1.2", "text": "TAL (EDD)", "type": "date" }, { "linkId": "maternal-1.3", "text": "RE EDD", "type": "date" }, { "linkId": "maternal-1.4", "text": "Gravida", "type": "integer" }, { "linkId": "maternal-1.5", "text": "Para", "type": "integer", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-1.5.1", "text": "+", "type": "integer" }, { "linkId": "maternal-1.5.2", "text": "Para remark", "type": "string", "maxLength": 20 } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-1.6", "text": "Jururawat Y/M", "type": "reference", "repeats": true }, { "linkId": "maternal-1.7", "text": "Postnatal Address", "type": "string" }, { "linkId": "maternal-1.8", "text": "Height", "type": "quantity" }, { "linkId": "maternal-1.9", "text": "Booking Weight", "type": "quantity" }, { "linkId": "maternal-1.10", "text": "BMI", "type": "quantity" }, { "linkId": "maternal-1.11", "text": "BMI category", "type": "choice", "answerOption": [ { "valueCoding": { "code": "310252000", "display": "Kurang Berat Badan (BMI < 20)" } }, { "valueCoding": { "code": "35425004", "display": "Normal (BMI 20 -24)" } }, { "valueCoding": { "code": "162863004", "display": "Lebih Berat Badan (BMI 25 - 29)" } }, { "valueCoding": { "code": "162864005", "display": "Obese (BMI > 30)" } }, { "valueCoding": { "code": "408512008", "display": "Extreme Obese (BMI > 40)" } } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-1.12", "text": "Post Natal Record", "type": "boolean" } ] } QuestionnaireResponse
{ "resourceType": "QuestionnaireResponse", "id": "qr-maternal-01", "meta": { "source": "", "profile": [ "" ] }, "questionnaire": "", "status": "completed", "subject": { "reference": "Patient/f92c383f-68de-46c1-8cde-970efa2d0f15/_history/1" }, "authored": "2023-01-01T04:14:25+08:00", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-1.1", "text": "THA (LNMP)", "answer": [ { "valueDate": "2023-08-01", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-1.1.1", "text": "Unsure Date", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] } ] } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-1.2", "text": "TAL (EDD)", "answer": [ { "valueDate": "2024-05-07" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-1.3", "text": "RE EDD", "answer": [ { "valueDate": "2024-05-14" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-1.4", "text": "Gravida", "answer": [ { "valueInteger": 3 } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-1.5", "text": "Para", "answer": [ { "valueInteger": 2, "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-1.5.1", "text": "+", "answer": [ { "valueInteger": 1 } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-1.5.2", "text": "Para remark", "answer": [ { "valueString": "miscarriage" } ] } ] } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-1.6", "text": "Jururawat Y/M", "answer": [ { "valueReference": { "reference": "PractitionerRole/121d966a-ca39-44dd-8e49-345f5ef1e484", "display": "SAIFULDAULAH BIN MOHD HAFIZ NGOO ( Medical Officer )" } }, { "valueReference": { "reference": "PractitionerRole/19c428c2-21aa-4494-b416-22bd51de90d7", "display": "ZULAIKA ( Medical Officer )" } } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-1.8", "text": "Height", "answer": [ { "valueQuantity": { "value": 168 } } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-1.9", "text": "Booking Weight", "answer": [ { "valueQuantity": { "value": 55 } } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-1.10", "text": "BMI", "answer": [ { "valueQuantity": { "value": 19.49 } } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-1.11", "text": "BMI category", "answer": [ { "valueCoding": { "code": "310252000", "display": "Kurang Berat Badan (BMI < 20)" } } ] } ] } |
2. | Perihal Kandungan Lalu |
{ "resourceType": "Questionnaire", "id": "q-maternal-02", "meta": { "source": "", "profile": [ "" ] }, "url": "", "version": "1.0.0", "name": "QMaternal02", "title": "Perihal Kandungan Lalu", "status": "active", "date": "2024-02-12T04:04:09.5621857+00:00", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-2.0", "text": "Perihal kandungan lalu", "type": "group", "repeats": true, "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-2.1", "text": "Perihal kandungan lalu", "type": "group", "repeats": true, "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-2.1.1", "text": "Tahun", "type": "date" }, { "linkId": "maternal-2.1.2", "text": "Hasil Kandungan", "type": "string" }, { "linkId": "maternal-2.1.3", "text": "Jenis Kelahiran", "type": "string" }, { "linkId": "maternal-2.1.4", "text": "Tempat", "type": "string" }, { "linkId": "maternal-2.1.5", "text": "Disambut Oleh", "type": "string" }, { "linkId": "maternal-2.1.6", "text": "Jantina", "type": "choice", "answerOption": [ { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "male", "display": "Lelaki" } }, { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "female", "display": "Perempuan" } } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-2.1.7", "text": "Berat Lahir", "type": "quantity" }, { "linkId": "maternal-2.1.8", "text": "Komplikasi Ibu", "type": "string" }, { "linkId": "maternal-2.1.9", "text": "Komplikasi Anak", "type": "string" }, { "linkId": "maternal-2.1.10", "text": "Penyusuan susu ibu/tempoh", "type": "string" }, { "linkId": "maternal-2.1.11", "text": "Keadaan anak sekarang", "type": "string" } ] } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-2.2", "text": "Tarikh Perkahwinan", "type": "date", "repeats": true } ] } QuestionnaireResponse
{ "resourceType": "QuestionnaireResponse", "id": "qr-maternal-02", "meta": { "source": "", "profile": [ "" ] }, "identifier": { "system": "", "value": "qr-maternal-02" }, "questionnaire": "", "status": "completed", "subject": { "reference": "Patient/bfb81ffe-637d-4b3f-befa-f7a1546ed9f8" }, "authored": "2022-11-16T03:56:06.596Z", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-2.0", "text": "Perihal kandungan lalu", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-2.1", "text": "Perihal kandungan lalu", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-2.1.1", "text": "Tahun", "answer": [ { "valueDate": "2020-08-05" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-2.1.2", "text": "Hasil Kandungan", "answer": [ { "valueString": "1" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-2.1.3", "text": "Jenis Kelahiran", "answer": [ { "valueString": "kembar 1" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-2.1.4", "text": "Tempat", "answer": [ { "valueString": "tempat entry 1" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-2.1.5", "text": "Disambut Oleh", "answer": [ { "valueString": "disambut entry 1" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-2.1.6", "text": "Jantina", "answer": [ { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "male", "display": "Lelaki" } } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-2.1.7", "text": "Berat Lahir", "answer": [ { "valueQuantity": { "value": 2 } } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-2.1.8", "text": "Komplikasi Ibu", "answer": [ { "valueString": "komplikasi ibu entry 1" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-2.1.9", "text": "Komplikasi Anak", "answer": [ { "valueString": "komplikasi anak entry 1" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-2.1.10", "text": "Penyusuan susu ibu/tempoh", "answer": [ { "valueString": "1" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-2.1.11", "text": "Keadaan anak sekarang", "answer": [ { "valueString": "keadaan entry 1" } ] } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-2.1", "text": "Perihal kandungan lalu", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-2.1.1", "text": "Tahun", "answer": [ { "valueDate": "2020-08-05" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-2.1.2", "text": "Hasil Kandungan", "answer": [ { "valueString": "1" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-2.1.3", "text": "Jenis Kelahiran", "answer": [ { "valueString": "kembar 2" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-2.1.4", "text": "Tempat", "answer": [ { "valueString": "tempat entry 2" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-2.1.5", "text": "Disambut Oleh", "answer": [ { "valueString": "disambut entry 2" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-2.1.6", "text": "Jantina", "answer": [ { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "female", "display": "Perempuan" } } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-2.1.7", "text": "Berat Lahir", "answer": [ { "valueQuantity": { "value": 2 } } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-2.1.8", "text": "Komplikasi Ibu", "answer": [ { "valueString": "komplikasi ibu entry 2" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-2.1.9", "text": "Komplikasi Anak", "answer": [ { "valueString": "komplikasi anak entry 2" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-2.1.10", "text": "Penyusuan susu ibu/tempoh", "answer": [ { "valueString": "2" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-2.1.11", "text": "Keadaan anak sekarang", "answer": [ { "valueString": "keadaan entry 2" } ] } ] } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-2.0", "text": "Perihal kandungan lalu", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-2.1", "text": "Perihal kandungan lalu", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-2.1.1", "text": "Tahun", "answer": [ { "valueDate": "2023-08-05" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-2.1.2", "text": "Hasil Kandungan", "answer": [ { "valueString": "1" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-2.1.3", "text": "Jenis Kelahiran", "answer": [ { "valueString": "bukan kembar" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-2.1.4", "text": "Tempat", "answer": [ { "valueString": "tempat entry 3" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-2.1.5", "text": "Disambut Oleh", "answer": [ { "valueString": "disambut entry 3" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-2.1.6", "text": "Jantina", "answer": [ { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "male", "display": "Lelaki" } } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-2.1.7", "text": "Berat Lahir", "answer": [ { "valueQuantity": { "value": 2 } } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-2.1.8", "text": "Komplikasi Ibu", "answer": [ { "valueString": "komplikasi ibu entry 3" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-2.1.9", "text": "Komplikasi Anak", "answer": [ { "valueString": "komplikasi anak entry 3" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-2.1.10", "text": "Penyusuan susu ibu/tempoh", "answer": [ { "valueString": "1" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-2.1.11", "text": "Keadaan anak sekarang", "answer": [ { "valueString": "keadaan entry 3" } ] } ] } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-2.2", "text": "Tarikh Perkahwinan", "answer": [ { "valueDate": "2003-08-06" }, { "valueDate": "2019-07-31" } ] } ] } |
3. | Riwayat Kesihatan Ibu Dan Keluarga |
{ "resourceType": "Questionnaire", "id": "q-maternal-03", "meta": { "source": "", "profile": [ "" ] }, "url": "", "version": "1.0.0", "name": "QMaternal03", "title": "Riwayat Kesihatan Ibu Dan Keluarga", "status": "active", "date": "2024-02-12T04:04:09.5621857+00:00", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-3.1", "text": "Haid", "type": "group", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-3.1.1", "text": "Jumlah Hari", "type": "quantity" }, { "linkId": "maternal-3.1.2", "text": "Pusingan", "type": "choice", "answerOption": [ { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "78456001", "display": "Teratur" } }, { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "80182007", "display": "Tidak teratur" } } ] } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-3.2", "text": "Amalan Perancang Keluarga", "type": "group", "required": true, "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-3.2.1", "text": "Mengamal perancang keluarga", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-3.2.2", "text": "Kaedah", "type": "choice", "answerOption": [ { "valueCoding": { "system": "", 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4. | Akuan Pengambilan Darah bagi Ujian Saringan Antenatal |
Consent not stored in HIE |
5. | Penyakit/status yang disaring |
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7. | Pemeriksaan Oleh Pegawai Perubatan dan Pegawai Pergigian |
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8. | Senarai Semak Kriteria Untuk Ujian Saringan OGTT |
{ "resourceType": "Questionnaire", "id": "q-maternal-08", "meta": { "source": "", "profile": [ "" ] }, "url": "", "version": "1.0.0", "name": "QMaternal08", "title": "Senarai Semak Kriteria Untuk Ujian Saringan OGTT", "status": "active", "date": "2024-02-12T04:04:09.5621857+00:00", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-8.1", "text": "BMI >27 kg/m2", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-8.2", "text": "Sejarah Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM)", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-8.3", "text": "Sejarah keluarga terdekat dengan diabetes", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-8.4", "text": "Sejarah melahirkan bayi macrosomia (berat bayi ≥4 kg)", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-8.5", "text": "Bad Obstetric History: Sejarah kelahiran IUD/ Stillbirth, kecacatan kongenital (contoh : neural tube defects, cardiac defects), shoulder dystocia", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-8.6", "text": "Glycosuria ≥ 2 kali", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-8.7", "text": "Masalah obstetrik sekarang (Hypertensive disease in pregnancy, Polyhdramnios, menerima rawatan Corticosteriods)", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-8.8", "text": "Umur ≥25 tahun (walaupun tanpa faktor risiko GDM yang lain)", "type": "boolean" } ] } QuestionnaireResponse
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9. | Keputusan Ujian OGTT |
{ "resourceType": "Questionnaire", "id": "q-maternal-09", "meta": { "source": "", "profile": [ "" ] }, "url": "", "version": "1.0.0", "name": "QMaternal09", "title": "Keputusan Ujian OGTT", "status": "active", "date": "2024-02-12T04:04:09.5621857+00:00", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-9.1", "text": "Keputusan Ujian OGTT", "type": "group", "repeats": true, "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-9.1.1", "text": "Tarikh", "type": "dateTime" }, { "linkId": "maternal-9.1.2", "text": "POG", "type": "quantity" }, { "linkId": "maternal-9.1.3", "text": "Fasting Blood Sugar", "type": "quantity" }, { "linkId": "maternal-9.1.4", "text": "2H Postprandial", "type": "quantity" } ] } ] } QuestionnaireResponse
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10. | Pemantauan Paras Gula Dalam Darah |
{ "resourceType": "Questionnaire", "id": "q-maternal-10", "meta": { "source": "", "profile": [ "" ] }, "url": "", "version": "1.0.0", "name": "QMaternal10", "title": "Pemantauan Paras Gula Dalam Darah", "status": "active", "date": "2024-02-12T04:04:09.5621857+00:00", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-10.1", "text": "Pemantauan Paras Gula Dalam Darah", "type": "group", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-10.1.1", "text": "Tarikh", "type": "dateTime" }, { "linkId": "maternal-10.1.2", "text": "Pre Breakfast", "type": "quantity" }, { "linkId": "maternal-10.1.3", "text": "2 Hours Post Breakfast", "type": "quantity" }, { "linkId": "maternal-10.1.4", "text": "Pre Lunch", "type": "quantity" }, { "linkId": "maternal-10.1.5", "text": "2 Hours Post Lunch", "type": "quantity" }, { "linkId": "maternal-10.1.6", "text": "Pre Dinner", "type": "quantity" }, { "linkId": "maternal-10.1.7", "text": "2 Hours Post Dinner", "type": "quantity" }, { "linkId": "maternal-10.1.8", "text": "Pre Bed", "type": "quantity" }, { "linkId": "maternal-10.1.9", "text": "Catatan", "type": "string" } ] } ] } QuestionnaireResponse
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11. | Pemantauan Tekanan Darah |
{ "resourceType": "Questionnaire", "id": "q-maternal-11", "meta": { "source": "", "profile": [ "" ] }, "url": "", "version": "1.0", "name": "QMaternal11", "title": "Pemantauan Tekanan Darah", "status": "active", "date": "2024-02-12T04:04:09.5621857+00:00", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-11.1", "text": "Pemantauan Tekanan Darah", "type": "group", "repeats": true, "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-11.1.1", "text": "Tarikh", "type": "date" }, { "linkId": "maternal-11.1.2", "text": "Masa", "type": "time" }, { "linkId": "maternal-11.1.3", "text": "Simptom", "type": "text" }, { "linkId": "maternal-11.1.4", "text": "Tekanan Darah", "type": "group", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-", "text": "Sistolik", "type": "quantity" }, { "linkId": "maternal-", "text": "Diastolik", "type": "quantity" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-11.1.5", "text": "Denyutan Jantung Janin", "type": "quantity" }, { "linkId": "maternal-11.1.6", "text": "Urin Protein", "type": "choice", "answerOption": [ { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "167273002", "display": "Not Detected" } }, { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "167274008", "display": "Trace" } }, { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "167275009", "display": "1+" } }, { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "167276005", "display": "2+" } }, { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "167277001", "display": "3+" } }, { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "167278006", "display": "4+" } } ] } ] } ] } QuestionnaireResponse
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12. | Pemantauan Profil Pre-Eclampsia |
{ "resourceType": "Questionnaire", "id": "q-maternal-12", "meta": { "source": "", "profile": [ "" ] }, "url": "", "name": "QMaternal12", "title": "Pemantauan Profil Pre-Eclampsia", "status": "active", "date": "2024-02-12T04:04:09.5621857+00:00", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-12.1", "text": "Pemantauan Profil Pre-Eclampsia", "type": "group", "repeats": true, "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-12.1.1", "text": "Tarikh", "type": "date" }, { "linkId": "maternal-12.1.2", "text": "POA/POG", "type": "quantity" }, { "linkId": "maternal-12.1.3", "text": "Tekanan Darah (BP)", "type": "group", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-", "text": "Sistolik", "type": "quantity", "initial": [ { "valueQuantity": { "unit": "mmHg", "system": "", "code": "mm[Hg]" } } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-", "text": "Diastolik", "type": "quantity", "initial": [ { "valueQuantity": { "unit": "mmHg", "system": "", "code": "mm[Hg]" } } ] } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-12.1.4", "text": "Proteinuria", "type": "choice", "answerOption": [ { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "167273002", "display": "Not Detected" } }, { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "167274008", "display": "Trace" } }, { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "167275009", "display": "1+" } }, { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "167276005", "display": "2+" } }, { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "167277001", "display": "3+" } }, { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "167278006", "display": "4+" } } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-12.1.5", "text": "Urea", "type": "quantity", "initial": [ { "valueQuantity": { "unit": "mmol/L", "system": "", "code": "mmol/L" } } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-12.1.6", "text": "Creatinine", "type": "quantity", "initial": [ { "valueQuantity": { "unit": "umol/L", "system": "", "code": "umol/L" } } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-12.1.7", "text": "Uric Acid", "type": "quantity", "initial": [ { "valueQuantity": { "unit": "mmol/L", "system": "", "code": "mmol/L" } } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-12.1.8", "text": "Hemoglobin", "type": "quantity", "initial": [ { "valueQuantity": { "unit": "g/dL", "system": "", "code": "g/dL" } } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-12.1.9", "text": "Platelet", "type": "quantity", "initial": [ { "valueQuantity": { "unit": "10*3/uL", "system": "", "code": "10*3/uL" } } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-12.1.10", "text": "AST", "type": "quantity", "initial": [ { "valueQuantity": { "unit": "IU/L", "system": "", "code": "[IU]/L" } } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-12.1.11", "text": "ALT", "type": "quantity", "initial": [ { "valueQuantity": { "unit": "IU/L", "system": "", "code": "[IU]/L" } } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-12.1.12", "text": "Nama Pemeriksa", "type": "string" }, { "linkId": "maternal-12.1.13", "text": "Masa", "type": "dateTime" } ] } ] } QuestionnaireResponse
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13. | Pemantauan Peningkatan Berat Badan Ibu Antenatal |
{ "resourceType": "Questionnaire", "id": "q-maternal-13", "meta": { "source": "", "profile": [ "" ] }, "url": "", "version": "1.0.0", "name": "QMaternal13", "title": "Pemantauan Peningkatan Berat Badan Ibu Antenatal", "status": "active", "date": "2024-02-12T04:04:09.5621857+00:00", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-13.1", "text": "Tinggi", "type": "quantity" }, { "linkId": "maternal-13.2", "text": "Berat Ibu Sebelum Hamil", "type": "quantity" }, { "linkId": "maternal-13.3", "text": "Nilai BMI Sebelum Hamil", "type": "quantity" }, { "linkId": "maternal-13.4", "text": "Status BMI Sebelum Hamil", "type": "choice", "answerOption": [ { "valueCoding": { "code": "310252000", "display": "Kurang Berat Badan (BMI < 20)" } }, { "valueCoding": { "code": "35425004", "display": "Normal (BMI 20 -24)" } }, { "valueCoding": { "code": "162863004", "display": "Lebih Berat Badan (BMI 25 - 29)" } }, { "valueCoding": { "code": "162864005", "display": "Obese (BMI > 30)" } }, { "valueCoding": { "code": "408512008", "display": "Extreme Obese (BMI > 40)" } } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-13.5", "text": "Jadual Berat Badan Sepanjang Kehamilan", "type": "group", "repeats": true, "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-13.5.1", "text": "Tarikh Lawatan", "type": "dateTime" }, { "linkId": "maternal-13.5.2", "text": "Minggu Gestasi", "type": "quantity" }, { "linkId": "maternal-13.5.3", "text": "Berat Badan (kg)", "type": "quantity" }, { "linkId": "maternal-13.5.4", "text": "Peningkatan Berat Badan (kg)", "type": "quantity" }, { "linkId": "maternal-13.5.5", "text": "Kadar Peningkatan Berat Badan (kg)/ minggu", "type": "quantity" } ] } ] } QuestionnaireResponse
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14. | Hb monitoring |
Store and displayed from Obstetric Hb (MY Core) record |
15. | Keputusan Pemeriksaan Ultrasound |
Store and displayed from Obstetric Us (MY Core) record |
16. | Fetal Growth Chart |
Store and displayed from Foetal Kick (MY Core) record |
17. | Sistem Kod Warna dan Senarai Semak Penjagaan Antenatal |
{ "resourceType": "Questionnaire", "id": "q-maternal-17", "meta": { "source": "", "profile": [ "" ] }, "url": "", "version": "1.0.0", "name": "QMaternal17", "title": "Sistem Kod Warna dan Senarai Semak Penjagaan Antenatal", "status": "active", "date": "2024-02-12T04:04:09.5621857+00:00", "description": "Sistem ini menggunakan empat kod warna. Penentuan kod warna ini adalah berdasarkan kepada penilaian faktor risiko ibu semasa lawatan ke klinik/ rumah", "purpose": "Penjagaan ibu adalah berdasarkan kepada kod warna berkenaan:-", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-17.0", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.0" } ], "text": "Trimester of Assessment", "type": "choice", "answerOption": [ { "valueCoding": { "code": "00", "display": "Trimester 1 (<12 weeks)" } }, { "valueCoding": { "code": "01", "display": "Trimester 2 (13-22 weeks)" } }, { "valueCoding": { "code": "02", "display": "Trimester 2 (23-27 weeks)" } }, { "valueCoding": { "code": "03", "display": "Trimester 3 (28-32 weeks)" } }, { "valueCoding": { "code": "04", "display": "Trimester 3 (33-36 weeks)" } }, { "valueCoding": { "code": "05", "display": "Trimester 3 (37-40 weeks)" } }, { "valueCoding": { "code": "06", "display": "Post-date (>40 weeks)" } } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.2", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.2" } ], "text": "Rumusan", "type": "choice", "readOnly": true, "answerOption": [ { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "386713009", "display": "Merah" } }, { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "371244009", "display": "Kuning" } }, { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "54662009", "display": "Hijau" } }, { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "371251000", "display": "Putih" } }, { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "310586008", "display": "Putih (ABC)" } } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.3", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.3" } ], "text": "Senarai Semak Pengendalian Ibu Hamil (Kod Merah)", "type": "group", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-17.3.1", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.1" } ], "text": "Eclampsia", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.3.2", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.3.2" } ], "text": "Pre-eclampsia (tekanan darah tinggi dengan urin protein)", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.3.3", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.3.3" } ], "text": "Hypertensive crisis", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.3.4", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.3.4" } ], "text": "Penyakit jantung semasa mengandung, dengan tanda dan gejala (sesak nafas, berdebar-debar)", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.3.5", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.3.5" } ], "text": "Sesak nafas dan/ atau kadar pernafasan >22/min", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.3.6", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.3.6" } ], "text": "Pendarahan antepartum (termasuk keguguran)", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.3.7", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.3.7" } ], "text": "Denyutan jantung janin yang abnormal \n • FHR <110/min selepas 22/52 \n • FHR >160/min selepas 32/52", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.3.8", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.3.8" } ], "text": "Anemia dengan simptom pada mana-mana gestasi atau Hb ≤7g/dL", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.3.9", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.3.9" } ], "text": "Kontraksi rahim pramatang", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.3.10", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.3.10" } ], "text": "Keluar air ketuban tanpa kontraksi", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.3.11", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.3.11" } ], "text": "Sawan", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.3.12", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.3.12" } ], "text": "Demam dengan tanda-tanda sepsis (lesu, dehidrasi, tachycardia)", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.3.13", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.3.13" } ], "text": "Kes disyaki denggi (demam berserta sakit kepala, sakit sendi, sakit perut, muntah, cirit birit dan sebagainya)", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.3.14", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.3.14" } ], "text": "Gejala Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) dan/ atau Pulmonary Embolism", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.3.15", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.3.15" } ], "text": "Keinginan mencederakan / bunuh diri", "type": "boolean" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.4", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.4" } ], "text": "Senarai Semak Pengendalian Ibu Hamil (Kod Kuning)", "type": "group", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-17.4.1", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.4.1" } ], "text": "Ibu HIV positif", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.4.2", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.4.2" } ], "text": "Ibu Hepatitis B positif", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.4.3", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.4.3" } ], "text": "Ibu Tuberkulosis/ Malaria/ Syphilis", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.4.4", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.4.4" } ], "text": "Tekanan darah >140/90 - <160/100mmHg tanpa/dengan urin protein", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.4.5", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.4.5" } ], "text": "Tekanan darah tinggi (140/90mmHg) dengan urin protein", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.4.6", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.4.6" } ], "text": "Ibu diabetes dengan rawatan dan/ atau komplikasi", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.4.7", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.4.7" } ], "text": "**Pergerakan janin kurang semasa kandungan ≥32 minggu dengan faktor risiko", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.4.8", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.4.8" } ], "text": "Kandungan melebihi 7 hari dari EDD", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.4.9", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.4.9" } ], "text": "Ibu dengan masalah perubatan yang memerlukan rawatan bersama di hospital", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.4.10", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.4.10" } ], "text": "Ibu tunggal atau ibu remaja (<20 tahun)", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.4.11", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.4.11" } ], "text": "Ibu berumur ≥40 tahun", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.4.12", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.4.12" } ], "text": "Hemoglobin 7 - <9g/dL dan asymptomatic", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.4.13", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.4.13" } ], "text": "Placenta previa tanpa pendarahan", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.4.14", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.4.14" } ], "text": "Maternal pyrexia ≥38ËšC atau >3 hari", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.4.15", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.4.15" } ], "text": "Penyakit jantung tanpa gejala", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.4.16", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.4.16" } ], "text": "*Ketagihan dadah/ rokok/ alkohol", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.4.17", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.4.17" } ], "text": "Skor risiko antenatal Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) ≥3", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.4.18", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.4.18" } ], "text": "Kandungan kembar", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.4.19", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.4.19" } ], "text": "Masalah kesihatan mental", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.4.20", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.4.20" } ], "text": "BMI >40kgm/2", "type": "boolean" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.5", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.5" } ], "text": "Senarai Semak Pengendalian Ibu Hamil (Kod Hijau)", "type": "group", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-17.5.1", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.5.1" } ], "text": "Rh negatif", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.5.2", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.5.2" } ], "text": "Berat badan ibu sebelum mengandung atau ketika booking <45kg", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.5.3", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.5.3" } ], "text": "Obes (≥30.0kg/m²)", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.5.4", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.5.4" } ], "text": "Pertambahan berat badan yang mendadak (>2 kg dalam seminggu)", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.5.5", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.5.5" } ], "text": "Berat badan statik atau menurun (dalam tempoh sebulan)", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.5.6", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.5.6" } ], "text": "Masalah perubatan semasa", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.5.7", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.5.7" } ], "text": "Masalah ginekologi yang lalu (fibroid, cyst, pembedahan)", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.5.8", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.5.8" } ], "text": "LNMP yang tidak pasti", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.5.9", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.5.9" } ], "text": "3 kali keguguran yang berturutan", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.5.10", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.5.10" } ], "text": "Sejarah obstetrik yang lalu", "type": "group", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-" } ], "text": "Pembedahan caesarean", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-" } ], "text": "PIH/ eclampsia/ diabetes", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-" } ], "text": "Kematian perinatal", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-" } ], "text": "Bayi dengan berat lahir <2.5kg atau >4kg", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-" } ], "text": "Luka perineum 3rd degree dan 4th degree", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-" } ], "text": "Retained placenta", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-" } ], "text": "Post partum haemorrhage", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-" } ], "text": "Kelahiran instrumental", "type": "boolean" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.5.11", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.5.11" } ], "text": "Pergerakan janin kurang semasa kandungan ≥32 minggu", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.5.12", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.5.12" } ], "text": "Tekanan darah 140/90 mmHg tanpa urin protein", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.5.13", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.5.13" } ], "text": "Hemoglobin 9 - <11g/dL", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.5.14", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.5.14" } ], "text": "Glukosuria 2 kali", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.5.15", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.5.15" } ], "text": "Air kencing mempunyai protein ≥1+", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.5.16", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.5.16" } ], "text": "Tinggi rahim (SFH) tidak sejajar dengan jangkamasa kandungan +/- 3cm", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.5.17", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.5.17" } ], "text": "Breech/ Oblique/ Tranverse dengan tiada tanda sakit bersalin pada 36 minggu kehamilan", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.5.18", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.5.18" } ], "text": "Kepala bayi tinggi (Head not engaged) semasa kandungan 37 minggu bagi primigravida", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.5.19", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.5.19" } ], "text": "Ibu GDM dengan kawalan diet tanpa komplikasi", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.5.20", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.5.20" } ], "text": "Ibu berumur 36 - 39 tahun", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.5.21", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.5.21" } ], "text": "Primigravida/pseudoprimigravida", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.5.22", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.5.22" } ], "text": "Grandmultipara ≥5", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.5.23", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.5.23" } ], "text": "Jarak kelahiran <2 tahun atau melebihi 5 tahun", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.5.24", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.5.24" } ], "text": "Ketinggian ibu <145cm", "type": "boolean" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.6", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.6" } ], "text": "Senarai Semak Pengendalian Ibu Hamil (Kod Putih)", "type": "group", "enableWhen": [ { "question": "maternal-17.3", "operator": "exists", "answerBoolean": false }, { "question": "maternal-17.4", "operator": "exists", "answerBoolean": false }, { "question": "maternal-17.5", "operator": "exists", "answerBoolean": false } ], "enableBehavior": "all", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-17.6.1", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.6.1" } ], "text": "Gravida 2 – 5 (tidak termasuk pseudoprimigravida)", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.6.2", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.6.2" } ], "text": "Tiada masalah obstetrik lalu dan semasa", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.6.3", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.6.3" } ], "text": "Tiada masalah perubatan yang lalu dan semasa", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.6.4", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.6.4" } ], "text": "Ibu berumur 20 - 35 tahun", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.6.5", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.6.5" } ], "text": "Ibu berkahwin dan mempunyai sokongan keluarga", "type": "boolean" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.7", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.7" } ], "text": "Kriteria Untuk Bersalin Di ABC/ Rumah", "type": "group", "enableWhen": [ { "question": "maternal-17.6", "operator": "exists", "answerBoolean": true } ], "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-17.7.1", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.7.1" } ], "text": "Gravida 2 – 5 (tidak termasuk pseudoprimigravida)", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.7.2", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.7.2" } ], "text": "Tiada masalah obstetrik lalu dan semasa", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.7.3", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.7.3" } ], "text": "Tiada masalah perubatan yang lalu dan semasa", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.7.4", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.7.4" } ], "text": "Ibu berumur 20 - 35 tahun", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.7.5", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.7.5" } ], "text": "Ibu berkahwin dan mempunyai sokongan keluarga", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.7.6", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.7.6" } ], "text": "POA 37-40 minggu", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.7.7", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.7.7" } ], "text": "Anggaran berat bayi 2.5-3.5kg", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.7.8", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-17.7.8" } ], "text": "Persekitaran rumah ibu sesuai", "type": "boolean" } ] } ] } QuestionnaireResponse
{ "resourceType": "QuestionnaireResponse", "id": "qr-maternal-17", "meta": { "source": "", "profile": [ "" ] }, "questionnaire": "", "status": "completed", "subject": { "reference": "Patient/bfb81ffe-637d-4b3f-befa-f7a1546ed9f8" }, "authored": "2022-11-23T00:42:29.983Z", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-17.0", "text": "Trimester of Assessment", "answer": [ { "valueCoding": { "code": "00", "display": "Trimester 1 (<12 month)" } } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.1", "text": "Jangkamasa tidak datang haid", "answer": [ { "valueString": "12/52" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.3", "text": "Senarai Semak Pengendalian Ibu Hamil (Kod Merah)", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-17.3.1", "text": "Eclampsia", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.3.2", "text": "Pre-eclampsia (tekanan darah tinggi dengan urin protein)", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.3.3", "text": "Hypertensive crisis", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.3.4", "text": "Penyakit jantung semasa mengandung, dengan tanda dan gejala (sesak nafas, berdebar-debar)", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.3.5", "text": "Sesak nafas dan/ atau kadar pernafasan >22/min", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.3.6", "text": "Pendarahan antepartum (termasuk keguguran)", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.3.7", "text": "Denyutan jantung janin yang abnormal • FHR <110/min selepas 22/52 • FHR >160/min selepas 32/52", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.3.8", "text": "Anemia dengan simptom pada mana-mana gestasi atau Hb ≤7g/dL", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.3.9", "text": " Kontraksi rahim pramatang", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.3.10", "text": "Keluar air ketuban tanpa kontraksi", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.3.11", "text": " Sawan", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.3.12", "text": "Demam dengan tanda-tanda sepsis (lesu, dehidrasi, tachycardia)", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.3.13", "text": "Kes disyaki denggi (demam berserta sakit kepala, sakit sendi, sakit perut, muntah, cirit birit dan sebagainya)", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.3.14", "text": "Gejala Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) dan/ atau Pulmonary Embolism", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.3.15", "text": "Keinginan mencederakan / bunuh diri", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.4", "text": "Senarai Semak Pengendalian Ibu Hamil (Kod Kuning)", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-17.4.1", "text": "Ibu HIV positif", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.4.2", "text": "Ibu Hepatitis B positif", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.4.3", "text": "Ibu Tuberkulosis/ Malaria/ Syphilis", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.4.4", "text": "Tekanan darah >140/90 - <160/100mmHg tanpa/dengan urin protein", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.4.5", "text": "Tekanan darah tinggi (140/90mmHg) dengan urin protein", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.4.6", "text": "Ibu diabetes dengan rawatan dan/ atau komplikasi", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.4.7", "text": "**Pergerakan janin kurang semasa kandungan ≥32 minggu dengan faktor risiko", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.4.8", "text": "Kandungan melebihi 7 hari dari EDD", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.4.9", "text": "Ibu dengan masalah perubatan yang memerlukan rawatan bersama di hospital", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.4.10", "text": "Ibu tunggal atau ibu remaja (<20 tahun)", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.4.11", "text": "Ibu berumur ≥40 tahun", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.4.12", "text": "Hemoglobin 7 - <9g/dL dan asymptomatic", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.4.13", "text": "Placenta previa tanpa pendarahan", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.4.14", "text": "Maternal pyrexia ≥38ËšC atau >3 hari", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.4.15", "text": "Penyakit jantung tanpa gejala", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.4.16", "text": "*Ketagihan dadah/ rokok/ alkohol", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.4.17", "text": "Skor risiko antenatal Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) ≥3", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.4.18", "text": "Kandungan kembar", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.4.19", "text": "Masalah kesihatan mental", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.4.20", "text": "BMI >40kgm/2", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.5", "text": "Senarai Semak Pengendalian Ibu Hamil (Kod Hijau)", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-17.5.1", "text": "Rh negatif", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.5.2", "text": "Berat badan ibu sebelum mengandung atau ketika booking <45kg", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.5.3", "text": "Obes (≥30.0kg/m²)", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.5.4", "text": "Pertambahan berat badan yang mendadak (>2 kg dalam seminggu)", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.5.5", "text": "Berat badan statik atau menurun (dalam tempoh sebulan)", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.5.6", "text": "Masalah perubatan semasa", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.5.7", "text": "Masalah ginekologi yang lalu (fibroid, cyst, pembedahan)", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.5.8", "text": "LNMP yang tidak pasti", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-17.5.9", "text": "3 kali keguguran yang berturutan", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] } ] } ] } |
18. | Senarai Semak Risiko VTE Semasa Hamil dan Puerperium |
{ "resourceType": "Questionnaire", "id": "q-maternal-18", "meta": { "source": "", "profile": [ "" ] }, "url": "", "version": "1.0.0", "name": "QMaternal18", "title": "Senarai Semak Risiko VTE Semasa Hamil dan Puerperium", "status": "active", "date": "2024-02-12T04:04:09.5621857+00:00", "description": "Reference: Prevention & Treatment of Thromboembolism in Pregnancy and Puerperium, 2018", "purpose": "*Note: Thromboprophylaxis is recommended during the transient period. Consider stopping once the transient risks are deemed no longer significant.", "code": [ { "code": "q-maternal-18" } ], "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-18.1", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-18.1" } ], "prefix": "1", "text": "VTE risk factor", "type": "choice", "answerOption": [ { "valueCoding": { "code": "00", "display": "Pre pregnancy/Booking" } }, { "valueCoding": { "code": "01", "display": "Admission New Illness" } }, { "valueCoding": { "code": "02", "display": "Post Delivery" } } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-18.2", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-18.2" } ], "prefix": "2", "text": "Pre-existing risk factors", "type": "group", "item": [ { "extension": [ { "url": "", "valueDecimal": 4.0 } ], "linkId": "maternal-18.2.1", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-18.2.1" } ], "prefix": "2.1", "text": "Previous VTE (VTE Score - 4)", "type": "boolean" }, { "extension": [ { "url": "", "valueDecimal": 3.0 } ], "linkId": "maternal-18.2.2", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-18.2.2" } ], "prefix": "2.2", "text": "High risk thrombophilia (VTE Score - 3)", "type": "boolean" }, { "extension": [ { "url": "", "valueDecimal": 3.0 } ], "linkId": "maternal-18.2.3", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-18.2.3" } ], "prefix": "2.3", "text": "Medical comorbidities (VTE Score - 3)", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-18.2.4", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-18.2.4" } ], "prefix": "2.4", "text": "Obesity", "type": "choice", "answerOption": [ { "valueCoding": { "extension": [ { "url": "", "valueDecimal": 2.0 } ], "system": "", "code": "00", "display": "BMI ≥40kg/m2 (VTE Score - 2)" } }, { "valueCoding": { "extension": [ { "url": "", "valueDecimal": 1.0 } ], "system": "", "code": "01", "display": "BMI 30-39kg/m2 (VTE Score - 1)" } } ] }, { "extension": [ { "url": "", "valueDecimal": 1.0 } ], "linkId": "maternal-18.2.5", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-18.2.5" } ], "prefix": "2.5", "text": "Family history of VTE (VTE Score - 1)", "type": "boolean" }, { "extension": [ { "url": "", "valueDecimal": 1.0 } ], "linkId": "maternal-18.2.6", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-18.2.6" } ], "prefix": "2.6", "text": "Low risk thrombophilia (VTE Score - 1)", "type": "boolean" }, { "extension": [ { "url": "", "valueDecimal": 1.0 } ], "linkId": "maternal-18.2.7", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-18.2.7" } ], "prefix": "2.7", "text": "Current smoker >10 per day (VTE Score - 1)", "type": "boolean" }, { "extension": [ { "url": "", "valueDecimal": 1.0 } ], "linkId": "maternal-18.2.8", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-18.2.8" } ], "prefix": "2.8", "text": "Gross varicose veins(VTE Score - 1)", "type": "boolean" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-18.3", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-18.3" } ], "prefix": "4", "text": "Obstetric risk factors", "type": "group", "item": [ { "extension": [ { "url": "", "valueDecimal": 2.0 } ], "linkId": "maternal-18.3.1", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-18.3.1" } ], "prefix": "3.1", "text": "Caesaren section (emergency & elective) (VTE Score - 2)", "type": "boolean" }, { "extension": [ { "url": "", "valueDecimal": 1.0 } ], "linkId": "maternal-18.3.2", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-18.3.2" } ], "prefix": "3.2", "text": "Pre eclampsia (VTE Score - 1)", "type": "boolean" }, { "extension": [ { "url": "", "valueDecimal": 1.0 } ], "linkId": "maternal-18.3.3", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-18.3.3" } ], "prefix": "3.3", "text": "IVF (1st trimester risk only) (VTE Score - 1)", "type": "boolean" }, { "extension": [ { "url": "", "valueDecimal": 1.0 } ], "linkId": "maternal-18.3.4", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-18.3.4" } ], "prefix": "3.4", "text": "Rotational instrumental delivery (VTE Score - 1)", "type": "boolean" }, { "extension": [ { "url": "", "valueDecimal": 1.0 } ], "linkId": "maternal-18.3.5", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-18.3.5" } ], "prefix": "3.5", "text": "PPH (>100mls) or requires blood transfusion (VTE Score - 1)", "type": "boolean" }, { "extension": [ { "url": "", "valueDecimal": 1.0 } ], "linkId": "maternal-18.3.6", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-18.3.6" } ], "prefix": "3.6", "text": "Stillbirth (current) (VTE Score - 1)", "type": "boolean" }, { "extension": [ { "url": "", "valueDecimal": 1.0 } ], "linkId": "maternal-18.3.7", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-18.3.7" } ], "prefix": "3.7", "text": "Prolonged labour (>24 hours) (VTE Score - 1)", "type": "boolean" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-18.4", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-18.4" } ], "prefix": "4", "text": "Transient risk factors", "type": "group", "item": [ { "extension": [ { "url": "", "valueDecimal": 4.0 } ], "linkId": "maternal-18.4.1", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-18.4.1" } ], "prefix": "4.1", "text": "Surgical procedures (excluding episiotomy, 1st & 2nd degree perineal repair, evacuation of products of conception) (VTE Score - 4)", "type": "boolean" }, { "extension": [ { "url": "", "valueDecimal": 4.0 } ], "linkId": "maternal-18.4.2", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-18.4.2" } ], "prefix": "4.2", "text": "Hyperemesis gravidarum / OHSS (VTE Score - 4)", "type": "boolean" }, { "extension": [ { "url": "", "valueDecimal": 1.0 } ], "linkId": "maternal-18.4.3", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-18.4.3" } ], "prefix": "4.3", "text": "Systemic/ Postpartum infection (VTE Score - 1)", "type": "boolean" }, { "extension": [ { "url": "", "valueDecimal": 1.0 } ], "linkId": "maternal-18.4.4", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-18.4.4" } ], "prefix": "4.4", "text": "Immobility Dehydration/ Admission beyond 3 days (VTE Score - 1)", "type": "boolean" }, { "extension": [ { "url": "", "valueDecimal": 1.0 } ], "linkId": "maternal-18.4.5", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-18.4.5" } ], "prefix": "4.5", "text": "Long distance travel (> 4hours) (VTE Score - 1)", "type": "boolean" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-18.5", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-18.5" } ], "prefix": "5", "text": "Total score", "type": "quantity" } ] } QuestionnaireResponse
{ "resourceType": "QuestionnaireResponse", "id": "qr-maternal-18", "meta": { "source": "", "profile": [ "" ] }, "identifier": { "system": "", "value": "qr-maternal-18" }, "questionnaire": "", "status": "completed", "subject": { "reference": "Patient/bfb81ffe-637d-4b3f-befa-f7a1546ed9f8" }, "authored": "2023-02-06T03:56:06+08:00", "author": { "reference": "PractitionerRole/cd16e0cb-3e0f-43bb-9197-901f5daff3ba/_history/23" }, "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-18.1", "text": "VTE risk factor", "answer": [ { "valueCoding": { "code": "00", "display": "Pre pregnancy/Booking" } } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-18.2", "text": "Pre-existing risk factors", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-18.3.1", "text": "Previous VTE (VTE Score - 4)", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-18.3.2", "text": "High risk thrombophilia (VTE Score - 3)", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-18.3.3", "text": "Medical comorbidities (VTE Score - 3)", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-18.3.4", "text": "Obesity", "answer": [ { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "00", "display": "BMI <40kg/m2 (VTE Score - 2)" } } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-18.3.5", "text": "Family history of VTE (VTE Score - 1)", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-18.3.6", "text": "Low risk thrombophilia (VTE Score - 1)", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-18.3.7", "text": "Current smoker >10 per day (VTE Score - 1)", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-18.3.8", "text": "Gross varicose veins(VTE Score - 1)", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-18.4", "text": "Obstetric risk factors", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-18.4.1", "text": "Caesaren section (emergency & elective) (VTE Score - 2)", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-18.4.2", "text": "Pre eclampsia (VTE Score - 1)", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-18.4.3", "text": "IVF (1st trimester risk only) (VTE Score - 1)", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-18.4.4", "text": "Rotational instrumental delivery (VTE Score - 1)", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-18.4.5", "text": "PPH (>100mls) or requires blood transfusion (VTE Score - 1)", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-18.4.6", "text": "Stillbirth (current) (VTE Score - 1)", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-18.4.7", "text": "Prolonged labour (>24 hours) (VTE Score - 1)", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-18.5", "text": "Transient risk factors", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-18.5.1", "text": "Surgical procedures (excluding episiotomy, 1st & 4 2 nd degree perineal repair, evacuation of products of conception) (VTE Score - 4)", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-18.5.2", "text": "Hyperemesis gravidarum / OHSS (VTE Score - 4)", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-18.5.3", "text": "Systemic/ Postpartum infection (VTE Score - 1)", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-18.5.4", "text": "Immobility Dehydration/ Admission beyond 3 days (VTE Score - 1)", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-18.5.5", "text": "Long distance travel (> 4hours) (VTE Score - 1)", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-18.6", "text": "Total score", "answer": [ { "valueQuantity": { "value": 33 } } ] } ] } |
19. | Carta Pergerakan Janin |
Store and displayed from Foetal Kick (MY Core) record |
20. | Pemeriksaan Kandungan Semasa |
{ "resourceType": "Questionnaire", "id": "q-maternal-20", "meta": { "source": "", "profile": [ "" ] }, "url": "", "version": "1.0.0", "name": "QMaternal20", "title": "Pemeriksaan Kandungan Semasa", "status": "active", "date": "2024-02-12T04:04:09.5621857+00:00", "description": "Description of routine examiniation", "purpose": "Purpose of routine examination", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-20.1", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-20.1" } ], "text": "Jenis Lawatan", "type": "choice", "answerOption": [ { "valueCoding": { "code": "maternal-lk", "display": "Lawatan Klinik" } }, { "valueCoding": { "code": "maternal-lr", "display": "Lawatan Rumah" } } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-20.2", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-20.2" } ], "text": "Ujian Makmal", "type": "group", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-20.2.1", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-20.2.1" } ], "text": "Urin Protein", "type": "choice", "answerOption": [ { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "167273002", "display": "Not Detected" } }, { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "167274008", "display": "Trace" } }, { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "167275009", "display": "1+" } }, { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "167276005", "display": "2+" } }, { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "167277001", "display": "3+" } }, { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "167278006", "display": "4+" } } ], "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-" } ], "text": "Urin Protein Remark", "type": "string" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-20.2.2", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-20.2.2" } ], "text": "Urin Sugar", "type": "choice", "answerOption": [ { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "167273002", "display": "Not Detected" } }, { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "167262009", "display": "Trace" } }, { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "167264005", "display": "1+" } }, { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "167265006", "display": "2+" } }, { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "167266007", "display": "3+" } }, { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "167267003", "display": "4+" } } ], "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-" } ], "text": "Urin Sugar Remark", "type": "string" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-20.2.3", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-20.2.3" } ], "text": "Hb", "type": "quantity" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-20.3", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-20.3" } ], "text": "Pemeriksaan", "type": "group", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-20.3.1", "code": [ { "system": "", "code": "29463-7", "display": "Weight" } ], "text": "Berat", "type": "quantity" }, { "linkId": "maternal-20.3.2", "code": [ { "system": "", "code": "35094-2", "display": "Blood pressure panel" } ], "text": "Blood Pressure", "type": "group", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-", "code": [ { "system": "", "code": "8480-6", "display": "Systolic Blood Pressure" } ], "text": "Systolic", "type": "quantity" }, { "linkId": "maternal-", "code": [ { "system": "", "code": "8462-4", "display": "Diastolic Blood Pressure" } ], "text": "Diastolic", "type": "quantity" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-20.3.3", "code": [ { "system": "", "code": "59408-5", "display": "Heart Rate" } ], "text": "Nadi", "type": "quantity" }, { "linkId": "maternal-20.3.4", "code": [ { "system": "", "code": "267038008", "display": "Edema" } ], "text": "Edema", "type": "string" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-20.4", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-20.4" } ], "text": "Kandungan", "type": "group", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-20.4.1", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-20.4.1" } ], "text": "Tempoh hamil", "type": "quantity" }, { "linkId": "maternal-20.4.2", "code": [ { "system": "", "code": "364253002", "display": "Fundal height of uterus" } ], "text": "Tinggi Rahim", "type": "string" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-20.5", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-20.5" } ], "text": "Janin", "type": "group", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-20.5.1", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-20.5.1" } ], "text": "Presentasi", "type": "string" }, { "linkId": "maternal-20.5.2", "code": [ { "system": "", "code": "249043002", "display": "Fetal heart rate" } ], "text": "Jantung", "type": "string" }, { "linkId": "maternal-20.5.3", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-20.5.3" } ], "text": "Gerak", "type": "string" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-20.6", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-20.6" } ], "text": "Masalah", "type": "text" }, { "linkId": "maternal-20.7", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-20.7" } ], "text": "Pengendalian dan Rawatan", "type": "text" }, { "linkId": "maternal-20.8", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-20.8" } ], "text": "Tarikh Temujanji", "type": "dateTime", "repeats": true } ] } QuestionnaireResponse
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21. | Kemasukan Hospital |
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22. | Nota Discaj | Refer Composition (MY Core) for Discharge Summary |
23. | Perihal Kelahiran (Diisi oleh Penyambut Kelahiran) |
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24. | Perawatan Postnatal Dirumah |
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25. | Masalah Dikesan Semasa Postnatal, Pengendalian dan Rawatan |
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26. | Jadual Suntikan Thromboprophylaxis Untuk Ibu Postnatal |
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27. | Senarai Semak Keberkesanan Penyusuan Susu Ibu Semasa Postnatal |
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28. | Senarai Semak Penjagaan Postnatal Mengikut Kod Warna |
{ "resourceType": "Questionnaire", "id": "q-maternal-28", "meta": { "source": "", "profile": [ "" ] }, "url": "", "version": "1.0.0", "name": "QMaternal28", "title": "Senarai Semak Penjagaan Postnatal Mengikut Kod Warna", "status": "active", "date": "2024-02-12T04:04:09.5621857+00:00", "purpose": "Senarai semak ini digunakan oleh anggota kesihatan ketika menjalankan penjagaan postnatal. Ia perlu bagi pengesanan faktor risiko dan pengendalian semasa penjagaan postnatal", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-28.0", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-28.0" } ], "text": "Hari Postnatal", "type": "quantity" }, { "linkId": "maternal-28.1", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-28.1" } ], "text": "Rumusan", "type": "choice", "answerOption": [ { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "386713009", "display": "Merah" } }, { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "371244009", "display": "Kuning" } }, { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "160245001", "display": "Tiada Risiko" } } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-28.2", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-28.2" } ], "text": "Kod Merah", "type": "group", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-28.2.1", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-28.2.1" } ], "text": "Eclampsia", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-28.2.2", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-28.2.2" } ], "text": "Pre-eclampsia yang teruk (BP >140/90mmHg, proteinuria) \nSimptomatik: \n– sakit kepala, pening, kabur penglihatan, sakit epigastrik, mual", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-28.2.3", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-28.2.3" } ], "text": "PPH( Post partum haemorrhage)", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-28.2.4", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-28.2.4" } ], "text": "Retained placenta/ Product of conception", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-28.2.5", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-28.2.5" } ], "text": "Masalah kencing/ urinary:", "type": "group", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-" } ], "text": "Tidak boleh kencing (Acute urinary retention)", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-" } ], "text": "Incontinence", "type": "boolean" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-28.2.6", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-28.2.6" } ], "text": "Ibu penghidap penyakit jantung bersalin di rumah", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-28.2.7", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-28.2.7" } ], "text": "Ibu Rhesus negatif bersalin di rumah", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-28.2.8", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-28.2.8" } ], "text": "Tanda dan simptom deep vein thrombosis/ pulmonary embolism:", "type": "group", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-" } ], "text": "Susah bernafas", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-" } ], "text": "Sakit/ bengkak betis (calf tenderness/ swelling)", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-" } ], "text": "Sakit dada", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-" } ], "text": "Kemerahan/ keradangan kaki(redness/ inflammation of lower limbs)", "type": "boolean" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-28.2.9", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-28.2.9" } ], "text": "Hematoma di bahagian luka episiotomi/ pembedahan caesarean", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-28.2.10", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-28.2.10" } ], "text": "Anemia yang teruk (Hb <7g/dL)", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-28.2.11", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-28.2.11" } ], "text": "Anemia Hb <9g/dL dengan tanda-tanda seperti sesak nafas, berdebar-debar, pucat, mudah letih dan pitam", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-28.2.12", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-28.2.12" } ], "text": "Simptom respiratori: \n- Sesak nafas, \n- Batuk berdarah berpanjangan, \n- Serangan asma", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-28.2.13", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-28.2.13" } ], "text": "Puerperal Sepsis: Demam, lokia berbau busuk/ luar biasa", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-28.2.14", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-28.2.14" } ], "text": "Keinginan ingin mencederakan/membunuh diri", "type": "boolean" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-28.3", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-28.3" } ], "text": "Kod Kuning", "type": "group", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-28.3.1", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-28.3.1" } ], "text": "BP >140/90mmHg, asimptomatik, tiada proteinuria", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-28.3.2", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-28.3.2" } ], "text": "Sebarang simptom yang membimbangkan contoh: loya dan muntah, sakit kepala", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-28.3.3", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-28.3.3" } ], "text": "Jangkitan (wound breakdown)/ di bahagian luka episiotomi/ pembedahan caesaeran", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-28.3.4", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-28.3.4" } ], "text": "Demam ≥ 37.5 º C", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-28.3.5", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-28.3.5" } ], "text": "Keadaan obstetric bagi kes bersalin di rumah: \n- Kematian perinatal, \n- Berat badan bayi <2.5kg atau >3.5kg", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-28.3.6", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-28.3.6" } ], "text": "Rahim yang tidak mengecut (subinvolution of uterus)", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-28.3.7", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-28.3.7" } ], "text": "Ibu yang menunjukkan tanda-tanda : \n- Psikiatrik (eg.murung,emosi tidak stabil) \n- Kecacatan mental atau fizikal \n- Keganasan rumah tangga/ sosial", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-28.3.8", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-28.3.8" } ], "text": "Masalah penyusuan susu ibu: \n- Bengkak payudara \n- Puting luka \n- Puting merekah", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-28.3.9", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-28.3.9" } ], "text": "Masalah kencing \n- Kencing kerap (frequency) \n- Sakit kencing (dysuria)", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-28.3.10", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-28.3.10" } ], "text": "Rujukan dengan Temujanji Haemoglobin <9g/dL asimptomatik", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-28.3.11", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-28.3.12" } ], "text": "Rujukan dengan Temujanji Masalah perubatan yang baru dikesan/keciciran - Contoh: SLE, Diabetes Mellitus, HIV positif, Hepatitis B positif, penyakit buah pinggang semasa mengandung, sel darah abnormal (blood dyscrasias), syphilis yang belum dirawat", "type": "boolean" } ] } ] } QuestionnaireResponse
{ "resourceType": "QuestionnaireResponse", "id": "qr-maternal-28", "meta": { "source": "", "profile": [ "" ] }, "questionnaire": "", "status": "completed", "subject": { "reference": "Patient/bfb81ffe-637d-4b3f-befa-f7a1546ed9f8" }, "authored": "2022-11-16T03:56:06.596Z", "author": { "reference": "Practitioner/3d431987-df04-4018-9af3-d9928cac031f" }, "identifier": { "system": "", "value": "qr-maternal-28" }, "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-28.0", "text": "Hari Postnatal", "answer": [ { "valueQuantity": { "value": 12, "unit": "12" } } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-28.1", "text": "Rumusan", "answer": [ { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "386713009", "display": "Merah" } } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-28.2", "text": "Kod Merah", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-28.2.1", "text": "Eclampsia", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": false } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-28.2.2", "text": "Pre-eclampsia yang teruk (BP >140/90mmHg, proteinuria) \n Simptomatik: \n – sakit kepala, pening, kabur penglihatan, sakit epigastrik, mual", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": false } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-28.2.3", "text": "PPH( Post partum haemorrhage)", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": false } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-28.2.4", "text": "Retained placenta/ Product of conception", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": false } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-28.2.5", "text": "Masalah kencing/ urinary:", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-", "text": "Tidak boleh kencing (Acute urinary retention)", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": false } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-", "text": "Incontinence", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": false } ] } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-28.2.6", "text": "Ibu penghidap penyakit jantung bersalin di rumah", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": false } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-28.2.7", "text": "Ibu Rhesus negatif bersalin di rumah", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": false } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-28.2.8", "text": "Tanda dan simptom deep vein thrombosis/ pulmonary embolism:", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-", "text": "Susah bernafas", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-", "text": "Sakit/ bengkak betis (calf tenderness/ swelling)", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": false } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-", "text": "Sakit dada", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": true } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-", "text": "Kemerahan/ keradangan kaki(redness/ inflammation of lower limbs)", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": false } ] } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-28.2.9", "text": "Hematoma di bahagian luka episiotomi/ pembedahan caesarean", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": false } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-28.2.10", "text": "Anemia yang teruk (Hb <7g/dL)", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": false } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-28.2.11", "text": "Anemia Hb <9g/dL dengan tanda-tanda seperti sesak nafas, berdebar-debar, pucat, mudah letih dan pitam", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": false } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-28.2.12", "text": "Simptom respiratori: \n - Sesak nafas, \n - Batuk berdarah berpanjangan, \n - Serangan asma", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": false } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-28.2.13", "text": "Puerperal Sepsis: Demam, lokia berbau busuk/ luar biasa", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": false } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-28.2.14", "text": "Keinginan ingin mencederakan/membunuh diri", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": false } ] } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-28.3", "text": "Kod Kuning", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-28.3.1", "text": "BP >140/90mmHg, asimptomatik, tiada proteinuria", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": false } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-28.3.2", "text": "Sebarang simptom yang membimbangkan contoh: loya dan muntah, sakit kepala", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": false } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-28.3.3", "text": "Jangkitan (wound breakdown)/ di bahagian luka episiotomi/ pembedahan caesaeran", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": false } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-28.3.4", "text": "Demam ≥ 37.5 º C", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": false } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-28.3.5", "text": "Keadaan obstetric bagi kes bersalin di rumah: \n - Kematian perinatal, \n - Berat badan bayi <2.5kg atau >3.5kg", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": false } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-28.3.6", "text": "Rahim yang tidak mengecut (subinvolution of uterus)", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": false } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-28.3.7", "text": "Ibu yang menunjukkan tanda-tanda : \n - Psikiatrik (eg.murung,emosi tidak stabil) \n - Kecacatan mental atau fizikal \n - Keganasan rumah tangga/ sosial", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": false } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-28.3.8", "text": "Masalah penyusuan susu ibu: \n - Bengkak payudara \n - Puting luka \n - Puting merekah", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": false } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-28.3.9", "text": "Masalah kencing \n - Kencing kerap (frequency) \n - Sakit kencing (dysuria)", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": false } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-28.3.10", "text": "Rujukan dengan Temujanji Haemoglobin <9g/dL asimptomatik", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": false } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-28.3.11", "text": "Rujukan dengan Temujanji Masalah perubatan yang baru dikesan/keciciran - Contoh: SLE, Diabetes Mellitus , HIV positif , Hepatitis B positif ,penyakit buah pinggang semasa mengandung, sel darah abnormal (blood dyscrasias), syphilis yang belum dirawat", "answer": [ { "valueBoolean": false } ] } ] } ] } |
29. | Pemeriksaan Ibu Postnatal (1 Bulan) di Klinik |
{ "resourceType": "Questionnaire", "id": "q-maternal-29", "meta": { "source": "", "profile": [ "" ] }, "url": "", "version": "1.0.0", "name": "QMaternalmaternal-29", "title": "Pemeriksaan Ibu Postnatal (1 Bulan) di Klinik", "status": "active", "date": "2024-02-12T04:04:09.5621857+00:00", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-29.1", "text": "Tarikh", "type": "dateTime" }, { "linkId": "maternal-29.2", "text": "Lawatan ke klinik", "type": "quantity" }, { "linkId": "maternal-29.3", "text": "Pemeriksaan", "type": "group", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-29.3.1", "text": "Suhu badan", "type": "quantity" }, { "linkId": "maternal-29.3.2", "text": "Berat badan", "type": "quantity" }, { "linkId": "maternal-29.3.3", "text": "Tekanan darah", "type": "group", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-", "text": "Sistolik", "type": "quantity" }, { "linkId": "maternal-", "text": "Diastolik", "type": "quantity" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-29.3.4", "text": "Nadi", "type": "quantity" }, { "linkId": "maternal-29.3.5", "text": "Payudara", "type": "string" }, { "linkId": "maternal-29.3.6", "text": "Aliran susu", "type": "string" }, { "linkId": "maternal-29.3.7", "text": "Tinggi rahim", "type": "string" }, { "linkId": "maternal-29.3.8", "text": "Edema", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-29.3.9", "text": "Perineum/luka episiotomi", "type": "string" }, { "linkId": "maternal-29.3.10", "text": "Luka pembedahan", "type": "string" }, { "linkId": "maternal-29.3.11", "text": "Discaj vagina", "type": "string" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-29.4", "text": "Ujian makmal", "type": "group", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-29.4.1", "text": "Hemoglobin", "type": "quantity" }, { "linkId": "maternal-29.4.2", "text": "Urine sugar", "type": "choice", "answerOption": [ { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "167273002", "display": "Not Detected" } }, { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "167262009", "display": "Trace" } }, { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "167264005", "display": "1+" } }, { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "167265006", "display": "2+" } }, { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "167266007", "display": "3+" } }, { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "167267003", "display": "4+" } } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-29.4.3", "text": "Urin Protein", "type": "choice", "answerOption": [ { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "167273002", "display": "Not Detected" } }, { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "167274008", "display": "Trace" } }, { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "167275009", "display": "1+" } }, { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "167276005", "display": "2+" } }, { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "167277001", "display": "3+" } }, { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "167278006", "display": "4+" } } ] } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-29.5", "text": "Menilai simptom kemurungan/psikosis ibu", "type": "string" }, { "linkId": "maternal-29.6", "text": "Nasihat diberi", "type": "string" }, { "linkId": "maternal-29.7", "text": "Pegawai Perubatan", "type": "string" } ] } QuestionnaireResponse
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30. | Rekod Pemberian Pendidikan Kesihatan |
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31. | Informasi Panduan Dan Pendidikan Kesihatan |
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If a record is related to a clinical summary, a Composition (MY Core) is also created to reference the QuestionnaireResponse (MY Core). These pages requires both Composition and QuestionnaireResponse to be created as they are part of a summary that will be shared to the general record in HIE for users not using maternal health record.
It is advisable to send as a bundle with both QuestionnaireResponse, Composition and List referencing the QuestionnaireResponse as example below:
{ "resourceType": "Bundle", "type": "transaction", "entry": [ { "request": { "method": "PUT", "url": "List/list-sample" }, "resource": { "resourceType": "List", "id": "list-sample", "meta": { "source": "", "profile": [ "" ] }, "status": "current", "mode": "working", "title": "Maternal Health Record 12-Sep-2023", "code": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "sub-001", "display": "Maternal Health Record" } ] }, "subject": { "reference": "Patient/dba06121-c9c3-4169-bb92-b67a6f337ded/_history/4" }, "date": "2023-09-12T01:34:38.641Z", "source": { "reference": "PractitionerRole/121d966a-ca39-44dd-8e49-345f5ef1e484/_history/1" }, "entry": [ { "item": { "reference": "Patient/dba06121-c9c3-4169-bb92-b67a6f337ded/_history/4", "display": "Patient" } }, { "date": "2023-09-12T09:34:41+08:00", "item": { "reference": "QuestionnaireResponse/qr-maternal-01-sample", "display": "maternal-01" } }, { "date": "2023-09-12T09:34:41+08:00", "item": { "reference": "QuestionnaireResponse/qr-maternal-07-sample", 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"author": [ { "display": "SAIFULDAULAH BIN MOHD HAFIZ NGOO" } ], "title": "Note", "confidentiality": "N", "custodian": { "reference": "Organization/21-05060049", "display": "Klinik Kesihatan Seremban" }, "event": [ { "code": [ { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "maternal-rme-1", "display": "Routine Medical Exam 1 (RME 1)" } ] } ], "period": { "start": "2023-09-12T10:31:27+08:00" } } ], "section": [ { "title": "Form", "code": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "LP199484-9", "display": "Form" } ] }, "entry": [ { "reference": "QuestionnaireResponse/qr-maternal-07-sample/_history/1" } ] } ] } } ] }
The List must conform to List (MY Core) as mentioned above.
The QuestionnaireResponse must conform to QuestionnaireResponse (MY Core) as mentioned above.
The Composition must conform to Composition (MY Core) with;
based on ValueSetCompositionEvent
(MY Core)event.period.start
These are the pages that requires to store QuestionnaireResponse + Composition;
Click MY Core postman API link to view common API used in HIE.
No | Title | JSON |
7. | Pemeriksaan Oleh Pegawai Perubatan dan Pegawai Pergigian |
{ "resourceType": "Questionnaire", "id": "q-maternal-07", "meta": { "source": "", "profile": [ "" ] }, "url": "", "version": "1.0.0", "name": "QMaternal07", "title": "Pemeriksaan Oleh Pegawai Perubatan dan Pegawai Pergigian", "status": "active", "date": "2024-02-12T04:04:09.5621857+00:00", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-7.1", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-7.1" } ], "text": "Jenis Pemeriksaan", "type": "choice", "answerOption": [ { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "maternal-rme-1", "display": "Routine Medical Exam 1 (RME 1)" } }, { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "maternal-rme-2", "display": "Routine Medical Exam 2 (RME 2)" } }, { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "maternal-rme-add", "display": "Additional Medical Exam" } }, { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "maternal-rme-dental", "display": "Dental Routine Medical Exam" } } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-7.2", "text": "General", "type": "group", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-7.2.1", "text": "Pink/Pallor", "type": "string" }, { "linkId": "maternal-7.2.2", "text": "Jaundice", "type": "string" }, { "linkId": "maternal-7.2.3", "text": "BP", "type": "group", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-", "text": "Systolic", "type": "quantity" }, { "linkId": "maternal-", "text": "Diastolic", "type": "quantity" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-7.2.4", "text": "Pulse Rate", "type": "quantity" }, { "linkId": "maternal-7.2.5", "text": "Pulse Rhythm", "type": "string" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-7.3", "text": "Neck", "type": "group", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-7.3.1", "text": "Swelling", "type": "string" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-7.4", "text": "CVS", "type": "group", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-7.4.1", "text": "Clubbing", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-7.4.2", "text": "JVP", "type": "choice", "answerOption": [ { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "260399008", "display": "Raised" } }, { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "17621005", "display": "Normal" } } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-7.4.3", "text": "Apex Beat", "type": "choice", "answerOption": [ { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "17621005", "display": "Normal" } }, { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "263739008", "display": "Displaced" } } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-7.4.4", "text": "Heart Sounds", "type": "choice", "answerOption": [ { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "301132007", "display": "Normal" } }, { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "123824001", "display": "Abnormal" } } ] } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-7.5", "text": "Breast", "type": "choice", "answerOption": [ { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "17621005", "display": "Normal" } }, { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "263654008", "display": "Abnormal" } } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-7.6", "text": "Lungs", "type": "choice", "answerOption": [ { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "17621005", "display": "Normal" } }, { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "263654008", "display": "Abnormal" } } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-7.7", "text": "Abdomen", "type": "group", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-7.7.1", "text": "SFH", "type": "string" }, { "linkId": "maternal-7.7.2", "text": "FHR", "type": "quantity" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-7.8", "text": "Lower limbs", "type": "group", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-7.8.1", "text": "Oedema", "type": "boolean" }, { "linkId": "maternal-7.8.2", "text": "Calf tenderness", "type": "boolean" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-7.9", "text": "Catatan", "type": "text" } ] } QuestionnaireResponse
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20. | Pemeriksaan Kandungan Semasa |
{ "resourceType": "Questionnaire", "id": "q-maternal-20", "meta": { "source": "", "profile": [ "" ] }, "url": "", "version": "1.0.0", "name": "QMaternal20", "title": "Pemeriksaan Kandungan Semasa", "status": "active", "date": "2024-02-12T04:04:09.5621857+00:00", "description": "Description of routine examiniation", "purpose": "Purpose of routine examination", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-20.1", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-20.1" } ], "text": "Jenis Lawatan", "type": "choice", "answerOption": [ { "valueCoding": { "code": "maternal-lk", "display": "Lawatan Klinik" } }, { "valueCoding": { "code": "maternal-lr", "display": "Lawatan Rumah" } } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-20.2", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-20.2" } ], "text": "Ujian Makmal", "type": "group", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-20.2.1", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-20.2.1" } ], "text": "Urin Protein", "type": "choice", "answerOption": [ { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "167273002", "display": "Not Detected" } }, { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "167274008", "display": "Trace" } }, { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "167275009", "display": "1+" } }, { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "167276005", "display": "2+" } }, { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "167277001", "display": "3+" } }, { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "167278006", "display": "4+" } } ], "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-" } ], "text": "Urin Protein Remark", "type": "string" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-20.2.2", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-20.2.2" } ], "text": "Urin Sugar", "type": "choice", "answerOption": [ { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "167273002", "display": "Not Detected" } }, { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "167262009", "display": "Trace" } }, { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "167264005", "display": "1+" } }, { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "167265006", "display": "2+" } }, { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "167266007", "display": "3+" } }, { "valueCoding": { "system": "", "code": "167267003", "display": "4+" } } ], "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-" } ], "text": "Urin Sugar Remark", "type": "string" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-20.2.3", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-20.2.3" } ], "text": "Hb", "type": "quantity" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-20.3", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-20.3" } ], "text": "Pemeriksaan", "type": "group", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-20.3.1", "code": [ { "system": "", "code": "29463-7", "display": "Weight" } ], "text": "Berat", "type": "quantity" }, { "linkId": "maternal-20.3.2", "code": [ { "system": "", "code": "35094-2", "display": "Blood pressure panel" } ], "text": "Blood Pressure", "type": "group", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-", "code": [ { "system": "", "code": "8480-6", "display": "Systolic Blood Pressure" } ], "text": "Systolic", "type": "quantity" }, { "linkId": "maternal-", "code": [ { "system": "", "code": "8462-4", "display": "Diastolic Blood Pressure" } ], "text": "Diastolic", "type": "quantity" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-20.3.3", "code": [ { "system": "", "code": "59408-5", "display": "Heart Rate" } ], "text": "Nadi", "type": "quantity" }, { "linkId": "maternal-20.3.4", "code": [ { "system": "", "code": "267038008", "display": "Edema" } ], "text": "Edema", "type": "string" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-20.4", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-20.4" } ], "text": "Kandungan", "type": "group", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-20.4.1", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-20.4.1" } ], "text": "Tempoh hamil", "type": "quantity" }, { "linkId": "maternal-20.4.2", "code": [ { "system": "", "code": "364253002", "display": "Fundal height of uterus" } ], "text": "Tinggi Rahim", "type": "string" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-20.5", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-20.5" } ], "text": "Janin", "type": "group", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-20.5.1", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-20.5.1" } ], "text": "Presentasi", "type": "string" }, { "linkId": "maternal-20.5.2", "code": [ { "system": "", "code": "249043002", "display": "Fetal heart rate" } ], "text": "Jantung", "type": "string" }, { "linkId": "maternal-20.5.3", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-20.5.3" } ], "text": "Gerak", "type": "string" } ] }, { "linkId": "maternal-20.6", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-20.6" } ], "text": "Masalah", "type": "text" }, { "linkId": "maternal-20.7", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-20.7" } ], "text": "Pengendalian dan Rawatan", "type": "text" }, { "linkId": "maternal-20.8", "code": [ { "code": "maternal-20.8" } ], "text": "Tarikh Temujanji", "type": "dateTime", "repeats": true } ] } QuestionnaireResponse
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25. | Masalah Dikesan Semasa Postnatal, Pengendalian dan Rawatan |
{ "resourceType": "Questionnaire", "id": "q-maternal-25", "meta": { "source": "", "profile": [ "" ] }, "url": "", "version": "1.0.0", "name": "QMaternal25", "title": "Masalah Dikesan Semasa Postnatal, Pengendalian dan Rawatan", "status": "active", "date": "2024-02-12T04:04:09.5621857+00:00", "item": [ { "linkId": "maternal-25.1", "text": "Masalah", "type": "text" }, { "linkId": "maternal-25.2", "text": "Pengendalian dan rawatan", "type": "text" } ] } QuestionnaireResponse
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Certain pages are stored as Observation profile such as Obstetric Us (MY Core), Obstetric Hb (MY Core), Foetal Kick (MY Core). These pages are usually quantity type of entry and do not require specific Questionnaires to store the record.
These pages are generally objective assessment that are stored as Observation as they do not require specific question/template to store the record.
It is advisable to send as a bundle with both Observation and List referencing the QuestionnaireResponse as example below:
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The List must conform to List (MY Core) as mentioned above.
The Observation must conform to either of the defined Observation (refer the Observation page directly to view the details);
These are the pages that store as Observation only;
Click MY Core postman API link to view common API used in HIE.
No | Title | JSON |
14. | Hb monitoring |
Store and displayed from Obstetric Hb (MY Core) record Observation example
{ "resourceType": "Observation", "id": "example-obstetric-hb", "meta": { "source": "", "profile": [ "" ] }, "status": "final", "code": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "718-7", "display": "Hemoglobin [Mass/volume] in Blood" } ] }, "subject": { "reference": "Patient/95149eff-6e63-44cc-88cd-ff6d8e72b576" }, "encounter": { "reference": "Encounter/6f19f2d5-7f5a-4c39-a6bb-7cb574eec94a" }, "effectiveDateTime": "2023-03-06T08:00:00+08:00", "issued": "2023-03-06T08:00:00+08:00", "performer": [ { "reference": "PractitionerRole/b9797173-7e15-4fc3-8f85-d58627935956/_history/20" } ], "component": [ { "code": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "18185-9", "display": "Gestational age" } ] }, "valueQuantity": { "value": 140, "unit": "day", "system": "", "code": "d" } }, { "code": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "718-7", "display": "Hemoglobin [Mass/volume] in Blood" } ] }, "valueQuantity": { "value": 22, "unit": "g/dL", "system": "", "code": "g/dL" } } ] } |
15. | Keputusan Pemeriksaan Ultrasound |
Store and displayed from Obstetric Us (MY Core) record Observation example
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16. | Fetal Growth Chart |
Store and displayed from Obstetric Us (MY Core) record Observation example
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19. | Carta Pergerakan Janin |
Store and displayed from Foetal Kick (MY Core) record Observation example
{ "resourceType": "Observation", "identifier": [ { "system": "", "value": "20230513a1fe467-cad5-4ec9-83f8-fd6dfb46470c" } ], "meta": { "source": "", "profile": [ "" ] }, "status": "final", "code": { "coding": [ { "system": "", "code": "251682005", "display": "Foetal Kick Count" } ] }, "subject": { "reference": "Patient/3a1fe467-cad5-4ec9-83f8-fd6dfb46470c" }, "effectivePeriod": { "start": "2023-05-10T06:00:00+08:00", "end": "2023-05-10T10:00:00+08:00" }, "issued": "2023-05-10T06:00:00+08:00", "valueQuantity": { "value": 10 } } |
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