MHNexus Sdn Bhd
0.1.0 - ci-build

Notification API

Notification API to update user (patient/customer or practitioner) of information that would be of interest to them.

For a source system to integrate with HIE, certain flow requires the notification API to be used during the process to complete the operational flow.

Retrieving Bearer Token

To start using the notification API, a source system needs to be registered and will then be given a credential for them to interact with the API.

Sample Description Sample Body API Method API
Bearer Token

Use Cases

Below are use cases that are related to notification API:

  1. Virtual Consultation (VC) session
  • refer

    Command 'pagelink' could not render: Page not found.
    use case for the overall flow.

  • scenario: once a practitioner begins a VC session, a notification is required to update the customer/patient using RekodSaya to join the VC session.

    Sample Description Sample Body API Method API
    Send Notification
                      "title": "VC session starting",
                      "body": "You can now join the meeting room",
                      "patientIds": ["950728106051"]