MHNexus Sdn Bhd
0.1.0 - ci-build

Task (MY Core)

This profile is derived from the base FHIR Task resource.


These are the details for this resource:

Name Description Canonical_URL Status Version

Describes an activity that can be performed and tracks the state of completion of that activity. It is a representation that an activity should be or has been initiated, and eventually, represents the successful or unsuccessful completion of that activity. active 1.0.0

Resource content

These are the different views of this resource:

Mandatory Data Elements

This structure defines these elements as mandatory data fields:

Element Description
Task.basedOn References the request that initiated this Task.
Task.status Status of the Task in the workflow as mandated by base FHIR.
Task.intent Intent of the Task as mandated by base FHIR, e.g. proposal, order, plan.


This structure slices the following elements:

Element Discriminator Path (Type) Value
Task.input :serviceRequestCategory.type.coding.code(Value) 001
:specimen.type.coding.code(Value) 002
:imagingModality.type.coding.code(Value) 003
:imagingRegion.type.coding.code(Value) 004
:imagingOrderable.type.coding.code(Value) 005
:imagingStudy.type.coding.code(Value) 006
:contrast.type.coding.code(Value) 007
:contrastStrength.type.coding.code(Value) 008
:cdDvd.type.coding.code(Value) 009
:labSubGroup.type.coding.code(Value) 010
:primaryPerformer.type.coding.code(Value) 011
:secondaryPerformer.type.coding.code(Value) 012
:barcodePrinter.type.coding.code(Value) 013
:referralSummary.type.coding.code(Value) 014
:receivedNotReceivedDateTime .type.coding.code(Value) 015
:acceptedDateTime.type.coding.code(Value) 016
:dispatchedDateTime.type.coding.code(Value) 017
:printedStatus.type.coding.code(Value) 018
:printedDateTime.type.coding.code(Value) 019
:printedBy.type.coding.code(Value) 020
:outsourceBy.type.coding.code(Value) 021
:sampleTakenTime.type.coding.code(Value) 022
:Frequency.type.coding.code(Value) 023
Task.output :diagnosticReport.type.coding.code(Value) 001
:referralResponse.type.coding.code(Value) 002


These are the extensions within this resource:

Terminology Bindings

These are the terminology bindings within this resource: