MHNexus Sdn Bhd
0.1.0 - ci-build

PractitionerRole (MY Core)

This profile is derived from the base FHIR PractitionerRole resource. In the Malaysian context, resources often reference the PractitionerRole rather than Practitioner to highlight the Practitioner's role within that specific Organization.


These are the details for this resource:

Name Description Canonical_URL Status Version

A specific set of Roles/Locations/specialties/services that a practitioner may perform at an organization for a period of time. active 1.0.0

Resource content

These are the different views of this resource:

Mandatory Data Elements

This structure defines these elements as mandatory data fields:

Element Description
PractitionerRole.practitioner References a Practitioner that performs this PractitionerRole.
PractitionerRole.organization References an Organization where the Practitioner is authorized to perform the role.
PractitionerRole.code Code for the role which the Practitioner performs in the organization.
PractitionerRole.specialty Codes the specialty of the Practitioner.


These are the extensions within this resource:

Name Path URL
audit PractitionerRole.extension:audit
drugClassification PractitionerRole.extension:drugClassification
schedulingMyCore PractitionerRole.extension:schedulingMyCore

Terminology Bindings

These are the terminology bindings within this resource: