MHNexus Sdn Bhd
0.1.0 - ci-build

List (MY Core)

This profile is derived from the base FHIR List resource.


These are the details for this resource:

Name Description Canonical_URL Status Version

A list is a curated collection of resources that is flat, possibly ordered. List resources can be used in many places, including allergies, medications, alerts, family history, medical history, etc. active 1.0.0

Resource content

These are the different views of this resource:

Mandatory Data Elements

This structure defines these elements as mandatory data fields:

Element Description
List.status Status of the List, whether current or retired.
List.mode Mode of the List, e.g. working, snapshot, changes.
List.subject References the resource who is linked to the List. Can be Patient, Location, Device etc. Date on which the List is prepared.


These are the extensions within this resource:

Name Path URL
operationStatus List.extension:operationStatus
period List.extension:period

Terminology Bindings

These are the terminology bindings within this resource: